Class ProcessManagerSessionController

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.ComponentSessionController, org.silverpeas.core.web.session.SessionCloseable

    public class ProcessManagerSessionController
    extends org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.AbstractComponentSessionController
    The ProcessManager Session controller
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.AbstractComponentSessionController

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ProcessManagerSessionController​(org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.MainSessionController mainSessionCtrl, org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.ComponentContext context)
      Builds and init a new session controller for the process manager instance.
      ProcessManagerSessionController​(org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.MainSessionController mainSessionCtrl, org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.ComponentContext context, ProcessManagerException fatal)
      Builds a ill session controller.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void clearFilter()  
      String createProcessInstance​(org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord data, boolean isDraft, boolean firstTimeSaved)
      Create a new process instance with the filled form.
      org.silverpeas.core.web.export.ExportCSVBuilder exportListAsCSV()  
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.model.Action getAction​(String actionName)
      Get the named action
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.Form getActionForm​(String actionName)
      Returns the form associated to the named action.
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getActionRecord​(String actionName)
      Returns a new DataRecord filled with the folder data and which will be be completed by the action form.
      List<CurrentState> getActiveStates()
      Get the active states.
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.Form getAssignFormOfActiveStates​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.ProcessInstance processInstance)
      Gets a form with the assignation of users to roles for all the active states (for the re-affectations of some roles in the active states)
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getAssignRecordOfActiveStates​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.ProcessInstance processInstance)
      Gets the assignation data of the users working on the active states (for the re-affectations of some roles in the active states).
      NamedValue[] getComponentInstanceRoleLabels()
      Returns the component instance roles as a list of (name, label) pair.
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.Form getCreationForm()
      Returns the form which starts a new instance.
      boolean getCreationRights()
      Get the creation rights
      List<org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.user.Replacement> getCurrentAndNextUserReplacementsAsIncumbent()
      Gets current and next replacements at date of day in which the current user can be replaced in the workflow.
      ProcessFilter getCurrentFilter()
      Returns the current ProcessFilter.
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.ProcessInstance getCurrentProcessInstance()
      Get the current process instance
      List<org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord> getCurrentProcessList()
      Returns the current process instance list.
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.user.Replacement getCurrentReplacement()  
      String getCurrentRole()  
      String getCurrentRoleLabel()  
      String getCurrentTokenId()
      Get the current tokenId.
      String[] getDeleteAction()
      Search for an hypothetical action of kind "delete", allowed for the current user with the given role
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getEmptyCreationRecord()
      Returns the an empty creation record which will be filled with the creation form.
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getEmptyQuestionRecord()
      Returns the an empty question record which will be filled with the question form.
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getEmptyUserSettingsRecord()
      Returns the an empty date record which will be filled with the user settings form.
      ProcessManagerException getFatalException()
      Returns the last fatal exception
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.model.Item[] getFolderItems()  
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getFolderRecord()
      Returns the folder data of the current process instance.
      List<LockVO> getLockingUsers()
      Get locking users list
      int getNbEntriesAboutQuestions()  
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.Form getPresentationForm()
      Returns the form presenting the folder of the current process instance.
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.Form getPresentationForm​(String name)
      Returns the named form (Read only).
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.error.WorkflowError[] getProcessInstanceErrors​(String processId)
      Get all the errors occurred while processing the current process instance
      String getProcessInstanceIdFromExternalTodoId​(String externalTodoId)
      Get the process instance Id referred by the todo with the given todo id
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.RecordTemplate getProcessListHeaders()
      Returns the current instance list rows template.
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.model.ProcessModel getProcessModel​(String modelId)
      Returns the process model having the given id.
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.Question getQuestion​(String questionId)
      get the question with the given id
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.Form getQuestionForm​(boolean readonly)
      Returns the form to ask a question
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getQuestionRecord​(String questionId)
      Returns the an empty question record which will be filled with the question form.
      String getRoleNameFromExternalTodoId​(String externalTodoId)
      Get the role name of task referred by the todo with the given todo id
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep getSavedStep()
      Get step saved by given user id.
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getSavedStepRecord​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep savedStep)
      Get step data record saved.
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep[] getSortedHistorySteps​(boolean ascending)  
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.model.State getState​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.ProcessInstance processInstance, String stateName)
      Get the state with the given name in the specified process instance.
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep getStep​(String stepId)
      Returns the required step
      String getStepAction​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep step)
      Get the list of actions in History Step of current process instance
      String getStepActor​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep step)
      Get the list of actors in History Step of current process instance
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.Form getStepForm​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep step)
      Returns the form used to display the i-th step.
      List<StepVO> getSteps​(String strEnlightedStep)  
      String getStepSubstitute​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep step)  
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.task.Task getTask​(String stateName)
      Returns the named task.
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.task.Task[] getTasks()
      Get all tasks assigned for current user on current process instance
      org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.user.User getUser​(String userId)
      Returns the workflow user having the given id.
      NamedValue[] getUserRoleLabels()
      Returns the user roles as a list of (name, label) pair.
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.Form getUserSettingsForm()
      Returns the form to fill user settings
      org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getUserSettingsRecord()
      Returns the an empty data record which will be filled with the user settings form.
      boolean hasPendingQuestions()
      Tests if there is some question for current user in current processInstance
      boolean hasUserSettings()
      Returns true if : the model has any user settings.
      boolean isAttachmentTabEnabled()  
      boolean isCSVExportEnabled()  
      boolean isCurrentUserIsLockingUser()
      Is current user is part of the locking users for current process instance ?
      boolean isHistoryCanBeFiltered()
      Is the history can be filtered?
      boolean isHistoryTabVisible()  
      boolean isPrintButtonEnabled()
      Print button on an action can be disabled.
      boolean isProcessIdVisible()  
      boolean isResumingInstance()  
      boolean isSaveButtonEnabled()
      Save button on an action can be disabled.
      boolean isUserAllowedOnActiveStates()  
      boolean isUserSettingsOK()
      Returns true if : the user settings are correct
      boolean isVersionControlled()  
      boolean isViewReturn()  
      void lock​(String stateName)
      Lock the current instance for current user and given state
      void processAction​(String stateName, String actionName, org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord data, boolean isDraft, boolean isFirstTimeSaved)
      Create a new history step instance with the filled form.
      void processQuestion​(String stepId, String state, org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord data)
      Send the question as a QuestionEvent to the workflowEngine.
      void processResponse​(String questionId, org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord data)
      Send the answer as a ResponseEvent to the workflowEngine.
      void reassignInActiveStates​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.ProcessInstance processInstance, org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord data)
      Reassign the roles in the active states of the specified process instance to the users defined in the given assignation data.
      void removeProcess​(String processId)
      Remove process instance with given id
      void replaceInAllAssignedStates​(String userId, String substituteId)
      Replaces the specified user by the other one in all the states of the current process instances.
      void resetCreationRights()
      Compute the creation rights set creationRight to true if user can do the "Creation" action
      void resetCurrentProcessInstance()
      Set current Process instance to null
      void resetCurrentProcessInstance​(String instanceId)
      Updates the current process instance from the given id and returns the associated ProcessInstance object.
      List<org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord> resetCurrentProcessList​(boolean doAPause)
      Updates the current process instance list with current filter and returns this list.
      void resetCurrentProcessListHeaders()
      Reset the current instance list rows template.
      void resetCurrentRole​(String role)
      Returns the current role name.
      <T extends org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.user.Replacement<T>>
      resetCurrentRoleAsSubstitute​(String role, String incumbentId)  
      void saveUserSettings​(org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord data)
      Save the user settings which have been filled with the user settings form.
      void setCurrentTokenId​(String newTokenId)
      Set the current tokenId.
      void setResumingInstance​(boolean isResumingInstance)  
      void unlock​(String stateName)
      Un-Lock the current instance for current user and given state
      void unlock​(String userId, String stateName)
      Un-Lock the current instance for given user and given state
      • Methods inherited from class org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.AbstractComponentSessionController

        addClipboardSelection, clipboardPasteDone, close, getClipboardErrorMessage, getClipboardExceptionError, getClipboardObjects, getClipboardSelectedObjects, getClipboardSize, getComponentAccessController, getComponentId, getComponentLabel, getComponentName, getComponentParameterValue, getComponentParameterValue, getComponentRootName, getComponentUrl, getHighestSilverpeasUserRole, getIcon, getLanguage, getLook, getMultilang, getOrganisationController, getPersonalization, getRSSUrl, getSelection, getSettings, getSilverpeasUserRoles, getSpaceId, getSpaceLabel, getString, getSubscriptionContext, getUrlEncodedParameter, getUserAccessLevel, getUserAvailComponentIds, getUserDetail, getUserDetail, getUserId, getUserManageableGroupIds, getUserManageableSpaceIds, getUserRoles, getZoneId, isAppInMaintenance, isGroupManager, isPasswordChangeAllowed, isSpaceInMaintenance, removeClipboardElement, setAppModeMaintenance, setClipboardSelectedElement, setComponentRootName, setSpaceModeMaintenance
    • Constructor Detail

      • ProcessManagerSessionController

        public ProcessManagerSessionController​(org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.MainSessionController mainSessionCtrl,
                                               org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.ComponentContext context)
                                        throws ProcessManagerException
        Builds and init a new session controller for the process manager instance.
        mainSessionCtrl - the main session controller of the current user in Silverpeas.
        context - the context of the user navigation in the process manager instance.
        ProcessManagerException - if the initialization of the controller failed.
      • ProcessManagerSessionController

        public ProcessManagerSessionController​(org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.MainSessionController mainSessionCtrl,
                                               org.silverpeas.core.web.mvc.controller.ComponentContext context,
                                               ProcessManagerException fatal)
        Builds a ill session controller. Initialization is skipped and this session controller can only display the fatal exception. Used by the request router when a full session controller can't be built.
        mainSessionCtrl - the main session controller of the user in Silverpeas.
        context - the user navigation context in the process manager instance.
        fatal - the exception to display in case of failure.
    • Method Detail

      • getCreationRights

        public boolean getCreationRights()
        Get the creation rights
        true if user can do the "Creation" action
      • resetCreationRights

        public final void resetCreationRights()
        Compute the creation rights set creationRight to true if user can do the "Creation" action
      • isHistoryCanBeFiltered

        public boolean isHistoryCanBeFiltered()
        Is the history can be filtered? In this case, the forms mapped to each state are visible only if the current user was a working or an interested user.
        true if the history can be filtered.
      • isHistoryTabVisible

        public boolean isHistoryTabVisible()
      • isCSVExportEnabled

        public boolean isCSVExportEnabled()
      • isPrintButtonEnabled

        public boolean isPrintButtonEnabled()
        Print button on an action can be disabled. So it's return the visibility status of that button.
        true is print button is visible
      • isSaveButtonEnabled

        public boolean isSaveButtonEnabled()
        Save button on an action can be disabled. So it's return the visibility status of that button.
        true is save button is visible
      • resetCurrentProcessInstance

        public void resetCurrentProcessInstance()
        Set current Process instance to null
      • resetCurrentProcessInstance

        public void resetCurrentProcessInstance​(String instanceId)
                                         throws ProcessManagerException
        Updates the current process instance from the given id and returns the associated ProcessInstance object. If the instanceId parameter is null, updates nothing and returns the current ProcessInstance. Throws ProcessManagerException when the instanceId is unknown and when the current user is not allowed to access the instance. Doesn't change the current process instance when an error occurs.
      • getCurrentProcessInstance

        public org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.ProcessInstance getCurrentProcessInstance()
        Get the current process instance
      • getProcessListHeaders

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.RecordTemplate getProcessListHeaders()
        Returns the current instance list rows template.
      • resetCurrentProcessListHeaders

        public void resetCurrentProcessListHeaders()
        Reset the current instance list rows template.
      • resetCurrentProcessList

        public List<org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord> resetCurrentProcessList​(boolean doAPause)
                                                                                               throws ProcessManagerException
        Updates the current process instance list with current filter and returns this list. Doesn't change the current process instance when an error occurs.
      • getProcessInstanceIdFromExternalTodoId

        public String getProcessInstanceIdFromExternalTodoId​(String externalTodoId)
                                                      throws ProcessManagerException
        Get the process instance Id referred by the todo with the given todo id
        externalTodoId - external todo identifier
        the process instance Id referred by the todo with the given todo id.
        ProcessManagerException - if an error occurs.
      • getUser

        public org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.user.User getUser​(String userId)
                                                           throws ProcessManagerException
        Returns the workflow user having the given id.
        userId - the user identifier
        the workflow user having the given id.
        ProcessManagerException - if an error occurs.
      • getProcessModel

        public final org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.model.ProcessModel getProcessModel​(String modelId)
                                                                                  throws ProcessManagerException
        Returns the process model having the given id.
        modelId - the model identifier
        the process model having the given id.
        ProcessManagerException - if an error occurs.
      • getCurrentRole

        public String getCurrentRole()
        the current role name.
      • getCurrentReplacement

        public org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.user.Replacement getCurrentReplacement()
        the current replacement if any.
      • getUserRoleLabels

        public NamedValue[] getUserRoleLabels()
        Returns the user roles as a list of (name, label) pair.
      • getComponentInstanceRoleLabels

        public NamedValue[] getComponentInstanceRoleLabels()
        Returns the component instance roles as a list of (name, label) pair.
      • getPresentationForm

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.Form getPresentationForm()
                                                                               throws ProcessManagerException
        Returns the form presenting the folder of the current process instance.
      • getFolderItems

        public org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.model.Item[] getFolderItems()
      • getEmptyCreationRecord

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getEmptyCreationRecord()
                                                                                        throws ProcessManagerException
        Returns the an empty creation record which will be filled with the creation form.
      • getEmptyQuestionRecord

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getEmptyQuestionRecord()
        Returns the an empty question record which will be filled with the question form.
      • getQuestion

        public org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.Question getQuestion​(String questionId)
        get the question with the given id
        questionId - question id
        the found question
      • getQuestionRecord

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getQuestionRecord​(String questionId)
        Returns the an empty question record which will be filled with the question form.
      • getAssignFormOfActiveStates

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.Form getAssignFormOfActiveStates​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.ProcessInstance processInstance)
                                                                                       throws ProcessManagerException
        Gets a form with the assignation of users to roles for all the active states (for the re-affectations of some roles in the active states)
        processInstance - the instance of the process for which the assignation form is asked.
        a form with for active states a field with the roles required by the state.
        ProcessManagerException - if the build of the form fails.
      • getAssignRecordOfActiveStates

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getAssignRecordOfActiveStates​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.ProcessInstance processInstance)
        Gets the assignation data of the users working on the active states (for the re-affectations of some roles in the active states).
        processInstance - the instance of the process for which the assignation data is asked.
        a data record with all the assignation of the working users to the different roles of each active states. Each field of the record is a mapping between a role in an active state to a working user.
      • reassignInActiveStates

        public void reassignInActiveStates​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.ProcessInstance processInstance,
                                           org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord data)
                                    throws ProcessManagerException
        Reassign the roles in the active states of the specified process instance to the users defined in the given assignation data.
        processInstance - the instance of the process in which the reassignation will be operated
        data - the record data in which are defined the assignation of the working users to the different roles of each active states. Each field of the record should be a mapping between a role in an active state to a working user.
        ProcessManagerException - if the reassignation failed.
      • replaceInAllAssignedStates

        public void replaceInAllAssignedStates​(String userId,
                                               String substituteId)
                                        throws ProcessManagerException
        Replaces the specified user by the other one in all the states of the current process instances. All the roles assigned to the user in all the state in each process instance are reassigned to the specified substitute. So, the constrain is the substitute must have the ability to play the same roles than the given user. Otherwise an exception is thrown.
        userId - the unique identifier of the user to replace.
        substituteId - the unique identifier of the user that will substitute the above user.
        ProcessManagerException - if an error occurs while performing the substitution.
      • createProcessInstance

        public String createProcessInstance​(org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord data,
                                            boolean isDraft,
                                            boolean firstTimeSaved)
                                     throws ProcessManagerException
        Create a new process instance with the filled form.
        data - the form data
        isDraft - true if form has just been saved as draft
        firstTimeSaved - true if form is saved as draft for the first time
      • getDeleteAction

        public String[] getDeleteAction()
        Search for an hypothetical action of kind "delete", allowed for the current user with the given role
        an array of 3 Strings {,, action.label }, an empty array if no action found
      • getPresentationForm

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.Form getPresentationForm​(String name)
                                                                               throws ProcessManagerException
        Returns the named form (Read only). Throws an exception if the form is unknown.
      • getActionForm

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.Form getActionForm​(String actionName)
                                                                         throws ProcessManagerException
        Returns the form associated to the named action. Returns null if this action has no form. Throws an exception if the action is unknown.
      • getActionRecord

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getActionRecord​(String actionName)
                                                                                 throws ProcessManagerException
        Returns a new DataRecord filled with the folder data and which will be be completed by the action form.
      • processAction

        public void processAction​(String stateName,
                                  String actionName,
                                  org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord data,
                                  boolean isDraft,
                                  boolean isFirstTimeSaved)
                           throws ProcessManagerException
        Create a new history step instance with the filled form.
      • getStep

        public org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep getStep​(String stepId)
        Returns the required step
      • getSortedHistorySteps

        public org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep[] getSortedHistorySteps​(boolean ascending)
      • getStepActor

        public String getStepActor​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep step)
        Get the list of actors in History Step of current process instance
        an array of string containing actors full name
      • getStepSubstitute

        public String getStepSubstitute​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep step)
      • getStepAction

        public String getStepAction​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep step)
        Get the list of actions in History Step of current process instance
        an array of string containing actions names
      • getStepForm

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.Form getStepForm​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep step)
                                                                       throws ProcessManagerException
        Returns the form used to display the i-th step. Returns null if the step is unknown.
        ProcessManagerException - if an error occurs
      • getSavedStepRecord

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getSavedStepRecord​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.HistoryStep savedStep)
                                                                                    throws ProcessManagerException
        Get step data record saved.
        ProcessManagerException - if an error occurs.
      • getState

        public org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.model.State getState​(org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.instance.ProcessInstance processInstance,
                                                                     String stateName)
                                                              throws ProcessManagerException
        Get the state with the given name in the specified process instance.
        processInstance - the process in which the state is defined
        stateName - state name
        the State instance corresponding to the asked name.
        ProcessManagerException - if the state cannot be got.
      • getAction

        public org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.model.Action getAction​(String actionName)
        Get the named action
        actionName - action name
      • hasPendingQuestions

        public boolean hasPendingQuestions()
        Tests if there is some question for current user in current processInstance
        true if there is one or more question
      • getEmptyUserSettingsRecord

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getEmptyUserSettingsRecord()
                                                                                            throws ProcessManagerException
        Returns the an empty date record which will be filled with the user settings form.
      • getUserSettingsRecord

        public org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord getUserSettingsRecord()
                                                                                       throws ProcessManagerException
        Returns the an empty data record which will be filled with the user settings form.
      • saveUserSettings

        public void saveUserSettings​(org.silverpeas.core.contribution.content.form.DataRecord data)
                              throws ProcessManagerException
        Save the user settings which have been filled with the user settings form.
      • clearFilter

        public void clearFilter()
      • getProcessInstanceErrors

        public org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.error.WorkflowError[] getProcessInstanceErrors​(String processId)
        Get all the errors occurred while processing the current process instance
      • isUserSettingsOK

        public boolean isUserSettingsOK()
        Returns true if : the user settings are correct
      • hasUserSettings

        public boolean hasUserSettings()
        Returns true if : the model has any user settings.
      • isVersionControlled

        public boolean isVersionControlled()
      • isAttachmentTabEnabled

        public boolean isAttachmentTabEnabled()
      • isProcessIdVisible

        public boolean isProcessIdVisible()
      • isViewReturn

        public boolean isViewReturn()
      • isCurrentUserIsLockingUser

        public boolean isCurrentUserIsLockingUser()
        Is current user is part of the locking users for current process instance ?
        true is current user is part of the locking users for current process instance
      • setResumingInstance

        public void setResumingInstance​(boolean isResumingInstance)
      • isResumingInstance

        public boolean isResumingInstance()
      • getCurrentTokenId

        public String getCurrentTokenId()
        Get the current tokenId. Token Id prevents users to use several windows with same session.
        the current token id
      • setCurrentTokenId

        public void setCurrentTokenId​(String newTokenId)
        Set the current tokenId. Token Id prevents users to use several windows with same session.
        newTokenId - the current token id
      • getNbEntriesAboutQuestions

        public int getNbEntriesAboutQuestions()
      • getCurrentAndNextUserReplacementsAsIncumbent

        public List<org.silverpeas.core.workflow.api.user.Replacement> getCurrentAndNextUserReplacementsAsIncumbent()
        Gets current and next replacements at date of day in which the current user can be replaced in the workflow.
        a list of possible replacements.
      • getCurrentRoleLabel

        public String getCurrentRoleLabel()