Class AbstractSimpleCache

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractSimpleCache

        public AbstractSimpleCache()
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public <T> T get​(Object key,
                         Class<T> classType)
        Description copied from interface: SimpleCache
        Gets a typed element from the cache. Null is returned if an element exists for the given key but the object doesn't satisfy the expected type.
        Specified by:
        get in interface SimpleCache
        Type Parameters:
        T - the concrete type of the object to get.
        key - the key with which the object to get is mapped in the cache.
        classType - the class type the instance to get as to satisfy.
        the object mapped with the key or null if either there is no object mapped with the specified key or the object doesn't satisfy the expected class type.
      • computeIfAbsent

        public <T> T computeIfAbsent​(Object key,
                                     Class<T> classType,
                                     Supplier<T> valueSupplier)
        Description copied from interface: SimpleCache
        Gets a typed element from the cache and computes it if it does not yet exist. If an element exists for the given key but the object type doesn't correspond, a new computation is performed.
        Specified by:
        computeIfAbsent in interface SimpleCache
        Type Parameters:
        T - the concrete type of the object to get.
        key - the key with which the object to get is mapped in the cache.
        classType - the class of the instance to get.
        valueSupplier - the function that will computes the data to put into the cache.
        the object mapped with the key or null if no there is no object mapped with the specified key.
      • add

        public String add​(Object value)
        Description copied from interface: SimpleCache
        Adds a value and generate a unique key to retrieve later the value. After 12 hours without be used the value is trashed.
        Specified by:
        add in interface SimpleCache
        value - the object to add in the cache.
        the key with which the added object is mapped in the cache.