Interface Fileable

    • Method Detail

      • getParentId

        String getParentId()
        Gets the unique identifier of the folder into which this object is filed.
        the unique identifier of the parent of this fileable instance or null if it is a root folder. Cannot be null or empty for any non-folder objects.
      • getPath

        String getPath()
        Gets the path of this object from the root folder in the CMIS objects tree.
        a slash-separated path whose the first slash is the root folder in the CMIS objects tree.
      • isOrphaned

        default boolean isOrphaned()
        Is this file-able object orphaned? A file-able object is orphaned if and only if it isn't in the CMIS objects tree and, as such, it has no parent. In this case, the getParentId() returns null.