Interface CommentDAO

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface CommentDAO
    A Data Access Object that provides an access to Comment objects persisted within a data source. The way the data source is accessed and the nature of the data source are wrapped by the implementation of this interface. For each provided methods, if an error occurs a CommentRuntimeException is thrown.
    • Method Detail

      • saveComment

        Comment saveComment​(Comment cmt)
        Saves the specified comment into the underlying data source.
        cmt - the comment to save.
        the effectively saved comment.
      • removeAllCommentsByForeignPk

        void removeAllCommentsByForeignPk​(String resourceType,
                                          ResourceReference resourceRef)
        Deletes all the comments on the publication identified by the resource type and the specified foreign key.
        resourceType - type of the commented publication.
        resourceRef - the foreign key refering the publication in the data source
      • removeComment

        void removeComment​(CommentId commentId)
        Deletes the comment identified by the specified primary key
        commentId -
      • getAllCommentsByForeignKey

        List<Comment> getAllCommentsByForeignKey​(String resourceType,
                                                 ResourceReference resourceRef)
        Gets all the comments of the publication identified by the resource type and the specified foreign key.
        resourceType - type of the commented publication.
        resourceRef - the foreign key refering the publication in the data source.
        a list with all of the publication comments. If the publication isn't commented, then an empty list is returned.
      • getComment

        Comment getComment​(CommentId commentId)
        Gets the comment identified by the specified primary key. If no comment exist with a such primary key, then a CommentRuntimeException is thrown.
        commentId - the primary key of the comment to get.
        the comment.
      • getCommentsCountByForeignKey

        int getCommentsCountByForeignKey​(String resourceType,
                                         ResourceReference resourceRef)
        Gets the number of comments on the publication identified by the resource type and the specified foreign key.
        resourceType - type of the commented publication.
        resourceRef - the foreign key referring the publication.
        the number of the publication comments.
      • getCommentCountIndexedByResource

        Map<ResourceReference,​Integer> getCommentCountIndexedByResource​(String resourceType,
                                                                              String instanceId)
        Gets the number of comments by resources of resource type and hosted by the specified component instance.
        resourceType - type of the commented publication.
        instanceId - identifier of aimed component instance.
        a map containing the number of comments by resources.
      • getMostCommentedPublications

        List<CommentedPublicationInfo> getMostCommentedPublications​(String resourceType,
                                                                    List<ResourceReference> resourceRefs)
        Among all the publications identified by the resource type and the specified primary keys, gets the most commented ones.
        resourceType - type of the commented publication.
        resourceRefs - a list of primary keys refering some publications.
        a list of information about the most commented publication (publication primary key, number of comments, and so on).
      • getMostCommentedPublications

        List<CommentedPublicationInfo> getMostCommentedPublications​(String resourceType)
        Among all available commented publications of the specified type, gets the moste commented ones.
        resourceType - the type of the publication.
        a list of information about the most commented publication sorted in descendent order.
      • getAllMostCommentedPublications

        List<CommentedPublicationInfo> getAllMostCommentedPublications()
        Among all available commented publications, gets the most commented ones.
        a list of information about the most commented publication (publication primary key, number of comments, and so on).
      • moveComments

        void moveComments​(String resourceType,
                          ResourceReference fromPK,
                          ResourceReference toPK)
        Moves all the comments from the publication identified by the resource type and the specified foreign key to the publication identified by the second specified foreign key.
        resourceType - type of source and destination publication.
        fromPK - the foreign key refering the source publication.
        toPK - the foreign key refering the destination publication.
      • moveComments

        void moveComments​(String fromResourceType,
                          ResourceReference fromPK,
                          String toResourceType,
                          ResourceReference toPK)
        Moves all the comments from the publication identified by the resource type and the specified foreign key to the publication identified by the second resource type and specified foreign key.
        fromResourceType - source type the source publication.
        fromPK - the foreign key refering the source publication.
        toResourceType - type of the destination publication.
        toPK - the foreign key refering the destination publication.
      • updateComment

        void updateComment​(Comment cmt)
        Updates the comment in the data source identified by the specified one with the values carried by the specified comment.
        cmt - the comment to update in the data source.
      • getLastComments

        List<Comment> getLastComments​(String instanceId,
                                      int count)
        Gets the last comments posted to the publications in the specified component instance.
        instanceId - the unique identifier of the component instance.
        count - the maximum number of comments to fetch. Lesser or equal to 0 means no limit.
        a list of the last comments.
      • getSocialInformationCommentsListByUserId

        List<SocialInformationComment> getSocialInformationCommentsListByUserId​(List<String> resourceTypes,
                                                                                String userId,
                                                                                Period period)
        Get the list of SocialInformationComment added by userId in a period
        resourceTypes - the aimed resources types.
        userId - the author of comments.
        period - the period into which the comment has been created or modified.
        List of SocialInformation
      • getSocialInformationCommentsListOfMyContacts

        List<SocialInformationComment> getSocialInformationCommentsListOfMyContacts​(List<String> resourceTypes,
                                                                                    List<String> myContactsIds,
                                                                                    List<String> instanceIds,
                                                                                    Period period)
        Gets the list of SocialInformationComment added by myContactsIds in a period
        resourceTypes - the aimed resources types.
        myContactsIds - the aimed user identifiers of contacts.
        instanceIds - the aimed identifiers of component instances.
        period - the period into which the comment has been created or modified.
        List of SocialInformation