Interface NewContributionIndicator

    • Method Detail

      • isNewContribution

        static boolean isNewContribution​(ContributionIdentifier cId,
                                         Instant lastUpdateInstant)
        Is the given contribution reference a new one?
        cId - a ContributionIdentifier instance aiming the contribution.
        lastUpdateInstant - the last update instant of the contribution.
        the value returned by isNew(Instant) implementation if any, false if no implementation has been found.
        See Also:
      • relatedToComponentAndResourceType

        Pair<String,​String> relatedToComponentAndResourceType()
        Indicates the name of component and the type of resource the indicator is related to.
        name of component.
      • isNew

        boolean isNew​(Instant lastUpdateInstant)
        Is this contribution a new one? A contribution is considered as a new one when it was created or updated before a given amount of day.
        lastUpdateInstant - the last update instant of the contribution.
        true of this contribution was created or updated recently. False otherwise