Class UploadSessionFile

  • public class UploadSessionFile
    extends Object
    This class represents a file which will be uploaded, or, has been uploaded, on the server within the context of a files upload session (represented by an UploadSession instance.
    Yohann Chastagnier
    • Method Detail

      • getUploadSession

        public UploadSession getUploadSession()
        Gets the files upload session for which this file is defined.
        the UploadSession instance to which this file belongs.
      • getFullPath

        public String getFullPath()
        Gets the full path of this file relative to the root folder of the underlying files upload session.
        the path of the file relative to the upload session's root folder.
      • getServerFile

        public File getServerFile()
        Gets the physical representation on the server filesystem of this file.
        the file on the Silverpeas server.
      • write

        public void write​(InputStream uploadedInputStream)
                   throws IOException
        Writes the given input stream into the physical file referred by the getServerFile() method.
        Closes the input stream at the end.
        uploadedInputStream - an input stream on a content to read.
        IOException - if an error occurs while reading the input stream and writing the content onto the physical file.