Class MessageNotifier

  • public class MessageNotifier
    extends Object
    This utility class provides tools to display easily some dynamic notifications using the notifier plugin. User: Yohann Chastagnier Date: 23/07/13
    • Constructor Detail

      • MessageNotifier

        public MessageNotifier()
    • Method Detail

      • getLocalizationBundle

        public static LocalizationBundle getLocalizationBundle​(String bundleBaseName)
        Gets the localization bundle with the specified base name and for the root locale.
        bundleBaseName - the bundle base name.
        a localization bundle.
      • formatDate

        public static String formatDate​(Temporal temporal)
        Formats the given temporal into an date ISO FORMAT that will be interpreted by the UI tools.
        temporal - a temporal to format.
        the date ISO format.
      • formatDateTime

        public static String formatDateTime​(Temporal temporal)
        Formats the given temporal into an datetime ISO FORMAT that will be interpreted by the UI tools.
        temporal - a temporal to format.
        the datetime ISO format.