Class NotificationManagerSettings

  • public class NotificationManagerSettings
    extends Object
    Centralizing the access to the settings associated to the management of notifications.
    Yohann Chastagnier
    • Method Detail

      • getDefaultDelayedNotificationFrequency

        public static DelayedNotificationFrequency getDefaultDelayedNotificationFrequency()
        Gets the default delayed notification frequency of the server.
        the default delayed notification frequency of the server.
      • getDelayedNotificationFrequencyChoiceList

        public static Set<DelayedNotificationFrequency> getDelayedNotificationFrequencyChoiceList()
        The ordered frequency choice set associated to the delayed notification mechanism.
        the ordered set of available frequencies.
      • isUserManualNotificationRecipientLimitEnabled

        public static boolean isUserManualNotificationRecipientLimitEnabled()
        Indicates if the limitation of maximum number of recipient is enabled.
        true if enabled, false otherwise.
      • getUserManualNotificationRecipientLimit

        public static int getUserManualNotificationRecipientLimit()
        Gets the maximum number of recipient for manual user notification.
        the maximum number of recipient for manual user notification.
      • getReceiverThresholdAfterThatReplaceUserNameListByGroupName

        public static int getReceiverThresholdAfterThatReplaceUserNameListByGroupName()
        Gets the receiver threshold after that the user list is replaced by the group name into which the user is associated.
        an integer value, 0 = no threshold.
      • isDisplayingUserNameListInsteadOfGroupEnabled

        public static boolean isDisplayingUserNameListInsteadOfGroupEnabled()
        Indicates if group name must be displayed instead of user names of group.
        true if enabled, false otherwise.
      • isDisplayingReceiversInNotificationMessageEnabled

        public static boolean isDisplayingReceiversInNotificationMessageEnabled()
        Indicates if the feature of displaying receivers in the notification message is enabled.
        true if enabled, false otherwise.
      • getCronOfDelayedNotificationSending

        public static String getCronOfDelayedNotificationSending()
        Gets the cron configuration of the delayed notification sending.
        the cron configuration of the delayed notification sending.
      • isMultiChannelNotificationEnabled

        public static boolean isMultiChannelNotificationEnabled()
        Indicates if the multi channel for user notification is enabled.
        true if enabled, false otherwise.
      • isRemoveSenderFromSubscriptionNotificationReceiversEnabled

        public static boolean isRemoveSenderFromSubscriptionNotificationReceiversEnabled()
        Indicates if the sender must be removed from the list of receivers of a subscription notification.
        true if enabled, false otherwise.
      • isSubscriptionNotificationConfirmationEnabled

        public static boolean isSubscriptionNotificationConfirmationEnabled()
        Indicates if the the confirmation of subscription notification is enabled.
        true if enabled (default value), false otherwise.
      • getSseAsyncJobTrigger

        public static int getSseAsyncJobTrigger()
        Gets the trigger of SSE communication jobs.
        the timeout as long (seconds).
      • getSseAsyncTimeout

        public static int getSseAsyncTimeout()
        Gets the timeout of asynchronous context cleanup of SSE communication.
        the timeout as long (milliseconds).
      • isCheckPreviousAsyncContextEnabled

        public static boolean isCheckPreviousAsyncContextEnabled()
        Indicates if previous sse context opened with same session id MUST be checked.
        true if enabled, false otherwise.
      • getSseSendMaxThreadPool

        public static int getSseSendMaxThreadPool()
        Gets the number of thread used to perform the send of a server event.
        the maximum number of thread for send thread pool.
      • getSseStoreEventLifeTime

        public static int getSseStoreEventLifeTime()
        Gets The lifetime of an event stored into memory of SSE communication.
        the timeout as long (milliseconds).
      • isSseEnabled

        public static boolean isSseEnabled()
        Indicates if the server event feature is enabled.
        true in order to enable, false otherwise.
      • usingWebSocket

        public static boolean usingWebSocket()
        Indicates if WebSocket protocol MUST be used for server event feature.
        true in order to enable, false otherwise.
      • getWebSocketSendTimeout

        public static int getWebSocketSendTimeout()
        Gets the send timeout of WebSocket.
        timeout in ms, 0 means no timeout.
      • isSseEnabledFor

        public static boolean isSseEnabledFor​(ServerEvent serverEvent)
        Indicates if the server event has to be handled.
        true in order to handle, false otherwise.
      • sendEveryAmountOfSecondsFor

        public static int sendEveryAmountOfSecondsFor​(ServerEvent.ServerEventName serverEventName)
        Gets the every amount of second a JOB MUST handle the send of a ServerEvent type.

        Only event implementing SendEveryAmountOfTime interface are managed by this parameter.

        0 or negative value means no JOB management.

        an integer representing an amount of seconds.
      • getUserNotificationDesktopIconUrl

        public static String getUserNotificationDesktopIconUrl()
        Gets the icon url of desktop user notification.
        url as string without the application context.
      • isSpaceLabelInNotificationSource

        public static boolean isSpaceLabelInNotificationSource()
        Is the space label should be set in the source of a notification when this property isn't set explicitly.
        true if the space label should be set in the notification source. False otherwise.
      • isComponentInstanceLabelInNotificationSource

        public static boolean isComponentInstanceLabelInNotificationSource()
        Is the component instance label should be set in the source of a notification when this property isn't set explicitly.
        true if the component instance label should be set in the notification source. False otherwise.