Class JpaPersistOperation

    • Constructor Detail

      • JpaPersistOperation

        public JpaPersistOperation()
    • Method Detail

      • applyTechnicalDataTo

        protected void applyTechnicalDataTo​(Entity entity)
        Applying information of the context to the given entity on a persist operation.
        Specified by:
        applyTechnicalDataTo in class PersistenceOperation
        entity - an entity.
      • setManuallyTechnicalDataFor

        public void setManuallyTechnicalDataFor​(Entity entity,
                                                User creator,
                                                Date creationDate)
        Indicates the creation properties of the specified entity was set explicitly. Useful when this information is lost when the entity is persisted with its counterpart in the persistence context.
        Specified by:
        setManuallyTechnicalDataFor in class PersistenceOperation
        entity - the entity for which the update properties were set.
        creator - the user for which the persistence operation will be performed.
        creationDate - the date at which the persistence operation will be considered as performed.
      • clear

        public void clear​(Entity entity)
        Description copied from class: PersistenceOperation
        Clears the specified entity for the current persistence operation. Any technical data manually set will be lost.
        Specified by:
        clear in class PersistenceOperation
        entity - the entity.