Interface SharingTicketService

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface SharingTicketService
    The business service of file sharing. The file sharing service provides a way to share files from the Silverpeas portal to external users. The share of a file to external users consists of creation a ticket for downloading this file from the Silverpeas portal. This ticket can be limited in time and in download count.
    • Method Detail

      • countTicketsByUser

        long countTicketsByUser​(String userId)
        Gets the number of tickets emitted by the specified users.
        userId - the identifier of the user that has emitted the tickets.
        the number of tickets.
      • getTicketsByUser

        SilverpeasList<Ticket> getTicketsByUser​(String userId,
                                                PaginationPage paginationPage,
                                                Ticket.QUERY_ORDER_BY orderBy)
        Gets all the tickets emitted by the specified users.
        userId - the identifier of the user that has emitted the tickets.
        paginationPage - the needed page (performances)
        orderBy - the order by must be performed by the persistence because of performances
        the tickets of this user.
      • deleteTicketsForSharedObject

        void deleteTicketsForSharedObject​(Long sharedObjectId,
                                          String type)
        Deletes all the tickets about the specified file.
        sharedObjectId - the identifier of the shared object.
        type - is this shared object type.
      • getTicket

        Ticket getTicket​(String key)
        Gets the ticket identified by the specified key.
        key - the key identifying the ticket.
        the ticket.
      • getTicketDownloads

        SilverpeasList<DownloadDetail> getTicketDownloads​(Ticket ticket,
                                                          PaginationPage paginationPage,
                                                          DownloadDetail.QUERY_ORDER_BY orderBy)
        Gets the ticket identified by the specified key.
        ticket - a ticket.
        paginationPage - the needed page (performances)
        orderBy - the order by must be performed by the persistence because of performances
        the list of downloads of the given ticket.
      • createTicket

        String createTicket​(Ticket ticket)
        Creates a new ticket in the system.
        ticket - the ticket to save.
        the key identifying the saved ticket.
      • addDownload

        void addDownload​(DownloadDetail download)
        Updates the list of downloads that were done for a specified ticket.
        download - the new download to add in the list.
      • updateTicket

        void updateTicket​(Ticket ticket)
        Updates the information of the specified ticket.
        ticket - the ticket with updated information.
      • deleteTicket

        void deleteTicket​(String key)
        Deletes the ticket identified by the specified key.
        key - the key identifying the ticket.