Class DefaultTagCloudService

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultTagCloudService

        public DefaultTagCloudService()
    • Method Detail

      • createTagCloud

        public void createTagCloud​(TagCloud tagCloud)
        Specified by:
        createTagCloud in interface TagCloudService
        tagCloud - The tagcloud to create in database.
      • deleteTagCloud

        public void deleteTagCloud​(TagCloudPK pk,
                                   int type)
        Specified by:
        deleteTagCloud in interface TagCloudService
        pk - The primary key of the tagcloud to delete from database.
      • getInstanceTagClouds

        public Collection<TagCloud> getInstanceTagClouds​(String instanceId)
        Specified by:
        getInstanceTagClouds in interface TagCloudService
        instanceId - The id of the instance which tagclouds are searched for.
        The list of tagclouds corresponding to the instance.
      • getInstanceTagClouds

        public Collection<TagCloud> getInstanceTagClouds​(String instanceId,
                                                         int maxCount)
        Specified by:
        getInstanceTagClouds in interface TagCloudService
        instanceId - The id of the instance which tagclouds are searched for.
        maxCount - The maximum number of required tagclouds (all are returned it is lower than 0).
        The list of tagclouds corresponding to the instance.
      • getTagCloudsByTags

        public Collection<TagCloud> getTagCloudsByTags​(String tags,
                                                       String instanceId,
                                                       int type)
        Specified by:
        getTagCloudsByTags in interface TagCloudService
        tags - The searched tags.
        instanceId - The id of the instance.
        type - The type of elements referenced by the tagclouds (publications or forums).
        The list of tagclouds which correspond to the tag and the id of the instance given as parameters.
      • getTagCloudsByElement

        public Collection<TagCloud> getTagCloudsByElement​(String instanceId,
                                                          String externalId,
                                                          int type)
        Specified by:
        getTagCloudsByElement in interface TagCloudService
        instanceId - The id of the instance.
        externalId - The id of the element.
        type - The type of elements referenced by the tagclouds (publications or forums).
        The list of tagclouds corresponding to the ids given as parameters.
      • delete

        public void delete​(String componentInstanceId)
        Deletes the resources belonging to the specified component instance. This method is invoked by Silverpeas when a component instance is being deleted.
        Specified by:
        delete in interface ComponentInstanceDeletion
        componentInstanceId - the unique identifier of a component instance.