Class ArgumentAssertion

  • public final class ArgumentAssertion
    extends Object
    ArgumentAssertion gathers all of the assertion operations that can be used for for checking the arguments specified in method call are correct. If an assertion failed, then an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. Using a such class to check the arguments before any code execution in a method ensures at the beginning the published contract of a method is well satisfied. It permits to detect in an explicit way the violation of that contract and thus to fix it in a fast way. Without any argument checking, the violation detection could be done in a more or less deep stacktrace execution of the method and in an implicit way, so letting it difficult to identify and to fix it.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ArgumentAssertion

        public ArgumentAssertion()
    • Method Detail

      • assertDefined

        public static void assertDefined​(String arg,
                                         String msg)
        Asserts the specified String argument is well defined, that is it is not null and not empty.
        arg - the argument to assert.
        msg - the message to pass if the argument isn't well defined.
      • assertNotDefined

        public static void assertNotDefined​(String arg,
                                            String msg)
        Asserts the specified String argument is not defined, that is it is null or empty.
        arg - the argument to assert.
        msg - the message to pass if the argument isn't well verified.
      • assertNotNull

        public static void assertNotNull​(Object arg,
                                         String msg)
        Asserts the specified argument is not null.
        arg - the argument to assert.
        msg - the message to pass if the argument is null.
      • assertTrue

        public static void assertTrue​(boolean arg,
                                      String msg)
        Asserts the specified argument is true.
        arg - the argument to assert.
        msg - the message to pass if the argument is false.