Class BasketSelectionUI

  • public class BasketSelectionUI
    extends Object
    This class permits to manager some UI behaviors against the current connected user and about the basket selection feature.
    • Method Detail

      • getPutIntoBasketSelectionHtmlSnippet

        public static String getPutIntoBasketSelectionHtmlSnippet​(String callback,
                                                                  String userLanguage)
        Gets the HTML snippet that permits to a user to click on to put an element into basket selection.

        If the snippet is useless for current user, then EMPTY string is returned.

        callback - the javascript callback.
        userLanguage - the language of current user.
        the HTML snippet if necessary, empty otherwise.
      • displayPutIntoBasketSelectionShortcut

        public static boolean displayPutIntoBasketSelectionShortcut()
        Allows to handle the display of the shortcut to put quickly elements into basket selection.

        This condition is computed one time only per session, at first method access.

        true if it can be displayed, false otherwise.