Class FilteredPdcResource

    • Constructor Detail

      • FilteredPdcResource

        public FilteredPdcResource()
    • Method Detail

      • getPdcFilteredByClassifiedContents

        public PdcEntity getPdcFilteredByClassifiedContents​(@QueryParam("workspaceId")
                                                            String workspaceId,
                                                            List<String> componentIds,
                                                            boolean withSecondaryAxis,
                                                            String axisValues)
        Gets a PdC containing only the axis and the axis's value that were used in the classification of the contents in Silverpeas. The Pdc can be restricted by the workspace and by the component to which the classified contents belong. As the filtered PdC is for a search, only the component instances configured as searchable are taken into account. The PdC that is sent back contains only the axis and, with each of them, the values to which the contents in Silverpeas are classified. The classified contents to take into account can be restricted by the workspace or by the application to which they belong, and by a set of axis' values with which they have to be classified. The version of the returned PdC indicates, for each axis's value, the count of contents that are classified with this value. According to the query parameters, it can contain also the secondary axis of the PdC. The PdC is sent back in JSON. If the user isn't authenticated, a 401 HTTP code is returned. If a problem occurs when processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
        workspaceId - optionally the unique identifier of the workspace in which the classified contents are published.
        componentIds - optionally the unique identifier of the component to which the classified contents belong.
        withSecondaryAxis - optionally a boolean flag indicating whether the secondary PdC axis should be taken into account.
        axisValues - optionally a set of axis' values on which the contents to take into account have to be classified. A value is defined by the identifier of the axis it belongs to and by its path from the root value in this axis, the two fields separated by a ':' character.
        a web entity representing the PdC filtered by the contents that are classified on it. The entity is serialized in JSON.
      • getComponentId

        public String getComponentId()
        Description copied from interface: SilverpeasWebResource
        Gets the identifier of the component instance to which the requested resource belongs to.
        the identifier of the Silverpeas component instance.