Class SubscriptionResource

    • Constructor Detail

      • SubscriptionResource

        public SubscriptionResource()
    • Method Detail

      • getComponentSubscriptions

        public Collection<SubscriptionEntity> getComponentSubscriptions​(@QueryParam("userId")
                                                                        String userId)
        Gets the JSON representation of component subscriptions in relation with the user. If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned. If the user isn't authentified, a 401 HTTP code is returned. If a problem occurs when processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
        userId - optional filter on a user represented by its id.
        the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked component subscriptions.
      • getSubscriptions

        public Collection<SubscriptionEntity> getSubscriptions​(@PathParam("subscriptionType")
                                                               String subscriptionType,
                                                               String resourceId,
                                                               String userId)
        Gets the JSON representation of component/node subscriptions of a resource. If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned. If the user isn't authentified, a 401 HTTP code is returned. If a problem occurs when processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
        resourceId - identifier of the aimed resource (NODE for now). When a new type of resource will be managed, the resource type will have to be passed into URI
        userId - optional filter on a user represented by its id.
        the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked component subscriptions.
      • getComponentSubscribers

        public Collection<SubscriberEntity> getComponentSubscribers()
        Gets the JSON representation of component subscription subscribers. If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned. If the user isn't authentified, a 401 HTTP code is returned. If a problem occurs when processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
        the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked component subscriptions.
      • getSubscribers

        public getSubscribers​(@PathParam("subscriptionType")
                                                        String subscriptionType,
                                                        String resourceId)
        Gets the JSON representation of component/node subscription subscribers. If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned. If the user isn't authentified, a 401 HTTP code is returned. If a problem occurs when processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
        resourceId - identifier of the aimed resource (NODE for now). When a new type of resource will be managed, the resource type will have to be passed into URI
        the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked component subscriptions.
      • getComponentSubscribersWithInheritance

        public getComponentSubscribersWithInheritance​(@PathParam("subscriptionType")
                                                                                String subscriptionType,
                                                                                boolean existenceIndicatorOnly)
        Gets the JSON representation of resource subscription subscribers with inheritance. For example, it returns subscribers af a node and those of its parents too. If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned. If the user isn't authentified, a 401 HTTP code is returned. If a problem occurs when processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
        subscriptionType - the type of subscription.
        existenceIndicatorOnly - indicates if the return must only be true (if it exists at least one subscriber) or false (no subscribers).
        the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked component subscriptions.
      • getSubscribersWithInheritance

        public getSubscribersWithInheritance​(@PathParam("subscriptionType")
                                                                       String subscriptionType,
                                                                       String resourceId,
                                                                       String locationId,
                                                                       boolean existenceIndicatorOnly)
        Gets the JSON representation of resource subscription subscribers with inheritance. For example, it returns subscribers af a node and those of its parents too. If it doesn't exist, a 404 HTTP code is returned. If the user isn't authentified, a 401 HTTP code is returned. If a problem occurs when processing the request, a 503 HTTP code is returned.
        subscriptionType - the type of subscription.
        resourceId - identifier of the aimed resource (NODE for now). When a new type of resource will be managed, the resource type will have to be passed into URI
        locationId - optional identifier of the current location of the requested resource.
        existenceIndicatorOnly - indicates if the return must only be true (if it exists at least one subscriber) or false (no subscribers).
        the response to the HTTP GET request with the JSON representation of the asked component subscriptions.
      • asWebEntities

        protected Collection<SubscriptionEntity> asWebEntities​(Collection<Subscription> subscriptions)
        Gets WEB entity collection representing the given subscription collection.
        subscriptions - a collection of subscriptions
        a collection of subscription entities
      • asWebEntity

        protected SubscriptionEntity asWebEntity​(Subscription subscription)
        Gets the WEB entity representing the given subscription.
        subscription - a subscription
        a subscription entity
      • asSubscriberWebEntities

        protected Collection<SubscriberEntity> asSubscriberWebEntities​(Collection<SubscriptionSubscriber> subscribers)
        Gets WEB entity collection representing the given subscriber collection.
        subscribers - a collection of subscribers in subscriptions
        a collection of subscriber entities.
      • asSubscriberWebEntity

        protected SubscriberEntity asSubscriberWebEntity​(SubscriptionSubscriber subscriber)
        Gets the WEB entity representing the given subscriber.
        subscriber - a subscriber in a subscription
        a subscriber entity