Interface ContextualDesignations

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ContextualDesignations
    Interface describing an object holding a collection of ContextualDesignation objects. Does not correspond to any Process Model schema elements.
    • Method Detail

      • iterateContextualDesignation

        Iterator<ContextualDesignation> iterateContextualDesignation()
        Iterate through the ContextualDesignation objects
        an iterator
      • createContextualDesignation

        ContextualDesignation createContextualDesignation()
        Create a ContextualDesignation
        an object implementing ContextualDesignation
      • addContextualDesignation

        void addContextualDesignation​(ContextualDesignation contextualDesignation)
        Add a contextualDesignation to the collection
        contextualDesignation - to be added
      • removeContextualDesignation

        void removeContextualDesignation​(ContextualDesignation contextualDesignation)
                                  throws WorkflowException
        Remove a matching contextualDesignation from the collection. The collection shall be searched for a Designation with the same language and role.
        contextualDesignation - a model of the contextualDesignation to be removed.
        WorkflowException - when a matching contextualDescription could not be found.
      • getSpecificLabel

        ContextualDesignation getSpecificLabel​(String role,
                                               String language)
        Get the designation for the given role and language; make an exact match, do not fall-back to the default values.
        role - the name of the role
        language - the code of the language
        an object implementing ContextualDesignation or null
      • getLabel

        String getLabel​(String role,
                        String language)
        Get the designation for the given role and language; make the best match if the required language and/ or role are not supported fall-back to the default values to the default values.
        role - the name of the role
        language - the code of the language
        the label or an empty string if nothing found.