Class TableRow

  • public class TableRow
    extends Object
    A row in a table in a data source. A row is a tuple whose each field matches a given column of the requested table. Hence the field name in the row is the column name and its value the value in the column.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TableRow

        public TableRow​(Map<String,​TableFieldValue> fields)
        Constructs the table row from the specified dictionary of fields.
        fields - a Map of TableFieldValue instances, each of them mapped to the name of a table's column.
    • Method Detail

      • getFields

        public Map<String,​TableFieldValue> getFields()
        Gets all the fields of this table row.
        a Map between a field name and its value.
      • getFieldValue

        public TableFieldValue getFieldValue​(String field)
        Gets the value of the specified field in this table row.
        field - the name of the field.
        the value of the asked field.