Class ApplicationServiceProvider

  • @Provider
    public class ApplicationServiceProvider
    extends Object
    A provider of objets implementing the ApplicationService interface. The provider looks for an implementation of the ApplicationService interface by the identifier of the application instance. In order the discovery of such a service succeeds, it is required that each implementation are annotated by the @Named annotation with as value the name of the component with the first character in lowercase following by the term Service; for example an application Toto should provide an implementation of the ApplicationService interface named (with the Named annotation) totoService.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ApplicationServiceProvider

        public ApplicationServiceProvider()
    • Method Detail

      • getApplicationServiceById

        public Optional<ApplicationService> getApplicationServiceById​(String appId)
        Gets the application service that is defined for the given application instance. If no such application service exists, then nothing is returned.
        appId - the unique identifier of an application instance in Silverpeas.
        optionally the transverse service that is defined for the type of applications the given component instance is of. If no such application service exists, then nothing is returned.