Class ProfiledObjectId

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProfiledObjectId

        public ProfiledObjectId​(ProfiledObjectType type,
                                String id)
        Constructs the identifier of an object that is related to a right profile, that is of the specified type and that have the given identifier.
        type - the type of the profiled object.
        id - the local identifier of the object.
    • Method Detail

      • fromNode

        public static ProfiledObjectId fromNode​(String nodeId)
        Constructs from the specified node identifier a ProfiledObjectId instance that refers the node as an access right profiled object.
        nodeId - the unique identifier of a node.
        the ProfiledObjectId instance representation of the node identifier.
      • from

        public static ProfiledObjectId from​(String expressionId)
        Constructs from its specified serialized expression a ProfiledObjectId instance. The expression must be formed with a code defining its type and of its local identifier. For knowing possible types, please see ProfiledObjectType enumeration.
        expressionId - a textual expression of a profiled object identifier.
        the ProfiledObjectId instance represented by the specified expression.
      • getId

        public String getId()
        Gets the local identifier of the object referred by this identifier.
        an identifier.
      • isDefined

        public boolean isDefined()
        Is this identifier defined? If the identifier is defined, then the referred object must have a type and an identifier positive.
        true if the identifier is defined.
      • isNotDefined

        public boolean isNotDefined()
        Is this identifier undefined? The identifier isn't defined when no object is referred by it. As such, the type isn't defined and the identifier is strictly negative.
      • isRootNode

        public boolean isRootNode()
        Is the identifier referring a root node object?
        true if the referred object is a root node.
      • asString

        public String asString()
        Description copied from interface: ResourceIdentifier
        Gets the value of this identifier as a String.
        Specified by:
        asString in interface ResourceIdentifier
        the String representation of this identifier.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object