Class AttendeeSet

    • Constructor Detail

      • AttendeeSet

        protected AttendeeSet()
        Constructs an empty set of attendees for the persistence engine.
    • Method Detail

      • forEach

        public void forEach​(Consumer<? super Attendee> action)
        Performs the given action for each attendee in this calendar component until all of them have been processed or the action throws an exception. Exceptions thrown by the action are relayed to the caller.
        Specified by:
        forEach in interface Iterable<Attendee>
        action - the action to be performed for each attendee.
      • stream

        public Stream<Attendee> stream()
        Streams the attendees in this calendar component.
        a Stream with the attendees in this calendar component.
      • get

        public Optional<Attendee> get​(String id)
        Gets the attendee with the specified identifier in this calendar component. The identifier can be either the identifier of an external attendee (like an email address) or the unique identifier of a user in Silverpeas.
        id - the identifier of the attendee to get: either the identifier of a user in Silverpeas or an identifier referring an external attendee (like an email address).
        optionally the attendee matching the given identifier. If no such attendee participates in this calendar component, then the optional value is empty, otherwise it contains the expected attendee.
      • add

        public Attendee add​(String email)
        Adds an external attendee in this calendar component. The attendee is identified by the specified email address.
        email - the email address of the external attendee.
        the added attendee.
      • add

        public Attendee add​(User user)
        Adds an internal attendee in this calendar component. The attendee represents the specified Silverpeas user.
        user - a user in Silverpeas.
        the added attendee.
      • removeIf

        public AttendeeSet removeIf​(Predicate<Attendee> filter)
        Removes all of the attendees that match the specified filter.
        filter - the predicate against which each attendee is filtered.
        the updated attendees in this calendar component.
      • clear

        public AttendeeSet clear()
        Clears this calendar component from all its attendees.
        an empty collection of attendees in this calendar component.
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Is there any attendees in this calendar component?
        true if there is no attendees in this calendar component, false otherwise.
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(Attendee attendee)
        Is the specified attendee participates in this calendar component?
        attendee - an attendee.
        true if the specified attendee is in the attendees in this calendar component, false otherwise.
      • size

        public int size()
        Gets the size in attendees in this calendar component.
        the number of attendees in this calendar component.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • isSameAs

        public boolean isSameAs​(AttendeeSet attendees)
        Is this set of attendees is same as the specified one? Two set of attendees are the same if they have the same attendees without any change in their properties (presence, participation, ...).

        This method differs from equality as they don't compare the same thing: the equals method in Java is a comparator by identity, meaning two objects are compared by their unique identifier (either by their OID for non-persistent object or by their persistence identifier for persistent object). The isSameAs method is a comparator by value, meaning two objects are compared by their state; so two equal objects (that is referring to a same object) can be different by their state: one representing a given state of the referred object whereas the other represents another state of the referred object.

        attendees - the attendees to compare with.
        true if the two set of attendees are equal and have the same state.