Class CmisObject

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class CmisObject
    extends org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.ObjectDataImpl
    An object in the CMIS model that is mapped to a resource in Silverpeas. It can be a collaborative space, an application, a category of a gallery, a folder of an EDM, a classification onto the PdC, or simply a contribution (publication, attachment, images, ...). A CmisObject class defines the properties that are expected for a given CMIS object, with some of them peculiar to its type. It is a way to map the properties of a Silverpeas resource to those of a CMIS object and then, from them, to generalize the build of CMIS data done by a CMIS repository. Because Silverpeas objects are localized, then a CMIS object mapped to such an object is always localized to the locale setting of the current user behind the CMIS request.

    All the objects in CMIS must satisfy the following properties: unique identifier, name, description, creation and last modification date, creator's name, last updater's name, ACL, and allowable actions.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      <T extends CmisObject>
      addACEs​(User user)
      Adds the ACEs relative to the specified user and regarding to this CMIS object in the ACL of the objet. getAcl()
      Gets the ACL of this CMIS object. getAllowableActions()
      Gets all the actions that are allowable on this CMIS object, whatever the permissions a user in Silverpeas can have in performing those actions.
      protected abstract Supplier<Set<org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.Action>> getAllowableActionsSupplier()
      Gets a supplier of the actions allowable on this CMIS object.
      abstract org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.BaseTypeId getBaseTypeId()
      Gets the identifier of the base type from which the type of the CMIS object is derived.
      long getCreationDate()
      Gets the date at which this CMIS object was created.
      String getCreator()
      Gets the full name of the user that has authored this CMIS object.
      String getDescription()
      Gets a description of this CMIS object.
      String getId()
      Gets the unique identifier of the object in the CMIS objects tree.
      String getLabel()
      Gets the label, localized for the user behind the request, to display to the user as name of this CMIS object.
      String getLanguage()
      Gets the language in which some of the object's attributes are localized.
      long getLastModificationDate()
      Gets the date at which this CMIS object was lastly modified.
      String getLastModifier()
      Gets the full name of the user that has lastly modified this CMIS object.
      String getName()
      Gets the name, localized for the user behind the request, of this CMIS object.
      abstract String getSymbol()
      Gets the possible UTF-8 symbol representing the type of this CMIS object.
      abstract TypeId getTypeId()
      Gets the identifier of the type of this CMIS object.
      boolean isDocument()
      Is this CMIS object a document in the CMIS objects tree?
      abstract boolean isFileable()
      Is this CMIS object file-able into the CMIS objects tree?
      <T extends CmisObject>
      setAcesSupplier​(Function<User,​List<>> supplier)
      Sets a supplier of an ACL to apply on this CMIS object.
      void setAcl​( acl)
      Overrides the ACL of this CMIS object with this new one.
      <T extends CmisObject>
      Sets all the actions allowable on this CMIS object, whatever the permissions a user in Silverpeas can have in performing those actions, by using the supplier of the actions predefined for this object.
      <T extends CmisObject>
      setCreationDate​(long creationDate)
      Sets the date at which this CMIS object was created.
      <T extends CmisObject>
      setCreator​(String creator)
      Sets the full name of the user that has created this CMIS object.
      <T extends CmisObject>
      setDescription​(String description)
      Sets a description about this CMIS object.
      void setIsExactAcl​(Boolean isExactACL)
      This method does nothing.
      <T extends CmisObject>
      setLastModificationDate​(long lastModificationDate)  
      <T extends CmisObject>
      setLastModifier​(String lastModifier)
      Sets the full name of the user that has modified this CMIS object.
      protected Set<org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.Action> theCommonActions()  
      • Methods inherited from class org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.ObjectDataImpl

        getChangeEventInfo, getPolicyIds, getProperties, getRelationships, getRenditions, isExactAcl, setAllowableActions, setChangeEventInfo, setPolicyIds, setProperties, setRelationships, setRenditions, toString
      • Methods inherited from class org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.AbstractExtensionData

        getExtensions, setExtensions
      • Methods inherited from interface

        getExtensions, setExtensions
    • Method Detail

      • getId

        public String getId()
        Gets the unique identifier of the object in the CMIS objects tree.
        Specified by:
        getId in interface
        getId in class org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.ObjectDataImpl
        the unique identifier of this CMIS object.
      • getSymbol

        public abstract String getSymbol()
        Gets the possible UTF-8 symbol representing the type of this CMIS object. It acts as an icon but instead of being a regular image the icon is encoded in UTF-8. Its goal is to mark the concrete type of the CMIS object upon its basic CMIS one (that is folder, document, ...)
        the UTF-8 symbol representing the type of this object or an empty String if no symbol is defined.
      • isFileable

        public abstract boolean isFileable()
        Is this CMIS object file-able into the CMIS objects tree?
        true if the object can be put in the CMIS objects tree as a node or a leaf of that tree. False otherwise
      • isDocument

        public boolean isDocument()
        Is this CMIS object a document in the CMIS objects tree? A document is a file-able object that doesn't have any children (it is a leaf in the CMIS objects tree) and that has a content stream (beside any rendition content streams). Such objects must have as base type identifier BaseTypeId.CMIS_DOCUMENT.
        true if this object is a document. False otherwise.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Gets the name, localized for the user behind the request, of this CMIS object.
        the localized name of the object.
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        Gets the label, localized for the user behind the request, to display to the user as name of this CMIS object.
        the concatenation of the symbol and the name of this object. If no symbol is defined for this CMIS object, then the name is returned.
      • getLanguage

        public String getLanguage()
        Gets the language in which some of the object's attributes are localized.
        an ISO 639-1 language code corresponding to the language of the user behind the request.
      • getBaseTypeId

        public abstract org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.BaseTypeId getBaseTypeId()
        Gets the identifier of the base type from which the type of the CMIS object is derived.
        Specified by:
        getBaseTypeId in interface
        getBaseTypeId in class org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.ObjectDataImpl
      • getTypeId

        public abstract TypeId getTypeId()
        Gets the identifier of the type of this CMIS object.
        a TypeId enumeration value.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Gets a description of this CMIS object.
        a short description about it.
      • setDescription

        public <T extends CmisObject> T setDescription​(String description)
        Sets a description about this CMIS object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the concrete Java type of this CMIS object.
        description - a short text to set.
      • getCreator

        public String getCreator()
        Gets the full name of the user that has authored this CMIS object.
        the full name of the creator.
      • setCreator

        public <T extends CmisObject> T setCreator​(String creator)
        Sets the full name of the user that has created this CMIS object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the concrete Java type of this CMIS object.
        creator - the full name of a user in Silverpeas.
      • getLastModifier

        public String getLastModifier()
        Gets the full name of the user that has lastly modified this CMIS object. By default, the first modifier is the creator of this object.
        the full name of the last modifier.
      • setLastModifier

        public <T extends CmisObject> T setLastModifier​(String lastModifier)
        Sets the full name of the user that has modified this CMIS object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the concrete Java type of this CMIS object.
        lastModifier - the full name of a user in Silverpeas.
      • getCreationDate

        public long getCreationDate()
        Gets the date at which this CMIS object was created.
        the number of milliseconds since the EPOCH January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
      • setCreationDate

        public <T extends CmisObject> T setCreationDate​(long creationDate)
        Sets the date at which this CMIS object was created.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the concrete Java type of this CMIS object.
        creationDate - a number of milliseconds since the EPOCH January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
      • getLastModificationDate

        public long getLastModificationDate()
        Gets the date at which this CMIS object was lastly modified. By default, the first modification date is the date at which this object has been created.
        the number of milliseconds since the EPOCH January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT
      • setLastModificationDate

        public <T extends CmisObject> T setLastModificationDate​(long lastModificationDate)
      • addACEs

        public <T extends CmisObject> T addACEs​(User user)
        Adds the ACEs relative to the specified user and regarding to this CMIS object in the ACL of the objet. The ACEs are supplied by the function that was passed with the setAcesSupplier(Function) function.
      • setAcl

        public void setAcl​( acl)
        Overrides the ACL of this CMIS object with this new one. All the previous ACE that were set are then lost.
        Specified by:
        setAcl in interface
        setAcl in class org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.ObjectDataImpl
        acl - the new ACL to set explicitly.
      • setIsExactAcl

        public void setIsExactAcl​(Boolean isExactACL)
        This method does nothing. The exactitude of the ACL regarding the permissions defined in the CMIS repository is centralized and controlled.
        Specified by:
        setIsExactAcl in interface
        setIsExactAcl in class org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.ObjectDataImpl
        isExactACL - a boolean.
      • setAcesSupplier

        public <T extends CmisObject> T setAcesSupplier​(Function<User,​List<>> supplier)
        Sets a supplier of an ACL to apply on this CMIS object.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the concrete Java type of this CMIS object.
        supplier - a function that supplies on demand a list of ACEs to apply on this object.
      • getAcl

        public getAcl()
        Gets the ACL of this CMIS object. The ACL contains a list of ACEs that define for one or more users in Silverpeas the permissions they have regarding this object. Each permission authorizes or forbids the related user to perform one or more of the actions that are allowable on this CMIS object. For more information about the ACL and the allowable actions on CMIS objects, see CMIS specification
        Specified by:
        getAcl in interface
        getAcl in class org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.ObjectDataImpl
        an Acl object.
        See Also:
      • getAllowableActions

        public getAllowableActions()
        Gets all the actions that are allowable on this CMIS object, whatever the permissions a user in Silverpeas can have in performing those actions. The actions are set only and only if the setAllowableActions() was previously invoked. Indeed, in CMIS the allowable actions are requested on demand. For more information about the ACL and the allowable actions on CMIS objects, see CMIS specification
        Specified by:
        getAllowableActions in interface
        getAllowableActions in class org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.ObjectDataImpl
        a AllowableActions object.
      • setAllowableActions

        public <T extends CmisObject> T setAllowableActions()
        Sets all the actions allowable on this CMIS object, whatever the permissions a user in Silverpeas can have in performing those actions, by using the supplier of the actions predefined for this object. The goal of the supplier is to set the allowable actions in this object on the demand. In some circumstances, the allowable actions aren't requested and therefore don't need to be set. For more information about the ACL and the allowable actions on CMIS objects, see CMIS specification
        Type Parameters:
        T - the concrete Java type of this CMIS object.
      • getAllowableActionsSupplier

        protected abstract Supplier<Set<org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.Action>> getAllowableActionsSupplier()
        Gets a supplier of the actions allowable on this CMIS object. The supplier is only invoked when the setAllowableActions() is invoked.
      • theCommonActions

        protected Set<org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.enums.Action> theCommonActions()