Interface AttachmentService

    • Method Detail

      • deleteAllAttachments

        void deleteAllAttachments​(String componentInstanceId)
                           throws AttachmentException
        Deletes all the documents related to the component instance identified by the specified identifier.
        componentInstanceId - the component instance identifier.
      • getBinaryContent

        void getBinaryContent​(File file,
                              SimpleDocumentPK pk,
                              String lang)
        Writes the binary content into the specified File.
        file - the file where the content is to be written.
        pk - the id of the document.
        lang - the language of the content.
      • getBinaryContent

        void getBinaryContent​(OutputStream output,
                              SimpleDocumentPK pk,
                              String lang)
        Writes the binary content into the specified OutputStream.
        output - the stream where the content is to be written.
        pk - the id of the document.
        lang - the language of the content.
      • getBinaryContent

        void getBinaryContent​(OutputStream output,
                              SimpleDocumentPK pk,
                              String lang,
                              long contentOffset,
                              long contentLength)
        Writes the binary content contained between begin and end indexes into the specified OutputStream.
        output - the stream where the content is to be written.
        pk - the id of the document.
        lang - the language of the content.
        contentOffset - number of bytes to skip from input content before copying into output.
        contentLength - number of bytes to copy.
      • cloneDocument

        SimpleDocumentPK cloneDocument​(SimpleDocument original,
                                       String foreignCloneId)
        Clone the document to a cloned container.
        original -
        foreignCloneId -
      • mergeDocuments

        Map<String,​String> mergeDocuments​(ResourceReference originalForeignKey,
                                                ResourceReference cloneForeignKey,
                                                DocumentType type)
        Merges the documents of cloned container with the original documents.
        originalForeignKey -
        cloneForeignKey -
        type -
        a map with the cloned document id as key and the original document id as value.
      • copyAllDocuments

        List<Pair<SimpleDocumentPK,​SimpleDocumentPK>> copyAllDocuments​(ResourceReference resourceSourcePk,
                                                                             ResourceReference targetDestinationPk)
        Copies all the attachment linked to a resource to another one.
        resourceSourcePk - the identifier of the resource and its location (component instance) which linked attachments must be copied.
        targetDestinationPk - the identifier of the resource and its location (component instance) that will get the copied attachments.
        le list of copied attachments, empty if nothing is copied.
      • moveDocument

        SimpleDocumentPK moveDocument​(SimpleDocument document,
                                      ResourceReference destination)
        Moves the attachment.
        document - to be moved.
        destination - the foreign id to be moved to.
        the new document id.
      • createAttachment

        SimpleDocument createAttachment​(SimpleDocument document,
                                        InputStream content)
                                 throws AttachmentException
        Create file attached to an object who is identified by the foreignId.

        The filename returned by SimpleDocument.getFilename() is normalized in order to get only single character encoding and no more combined characters. The normalized filename is set to given document.

        document - the document to be created.
        content - the binary content of the document.
        the stored document.
      • createAttachment

        SimpleDocument createAttachment​(SimpleDocument document,
                                        InputStream content,
                                        boolean indexIt)
        Create file attached to an object who is identified by the foreignId.

        The filename returned by SimpleDocument.getFilename() is normalized in order to get only single character encoding and no more combined characters. The normalized filename is set to given document.

        document - the document to be created.
        content - the binary content of the document.
        indexIt - true if the document is to be indexed - false otherwhise.
        the stored document.
      • createAttachment

        SimpleDocument createAttachment​(SimpleDocument document,
                                        InputStream content,
                                        boolean indexIt,
                                        boolean invokeCallback)
        Create file attached to an object who is identified by the foreignId.

        The filename returned by SimpleDocument.getFilename() is normalized in order to get only single character encoding and no more combined characters. The normalized filename is set to given document.

        document - the document to be created.
        content - the binary content of the document.
        indexIt - true if the document is to be indexed - false otherwise.
        invokeCallback - true if the callback methods of the components must be called, false for ignoring thoose callbacks.
        the stored document.
      • createAttachment

        SimpleDocument createAttachment​(SimpleDocument document,
                                        File content)
                                 throws AttachmentException
        Create file attached to an object who is identified by the foreignId.

        The filename returned by SimpleDocument.getFilename() is normalized in order to get only single character encoding and no more combined characters. The normalized filename is set to given document.

        document - the document to be created.
        content - the binary content of the document.
        the stored document.
      • createAttachment

        SimpleDocument createAttachment​(SimpleDocument document,
                                        File content,
                                        boolean indexIt)
        Create file attached to an object who is identified by the foreignId.

        The filename returned by SimpleDocument.getFilename() is normalized in order to get only single character encoding and no more combined characters. The normalized filename is set to given document.

        document - the document to be created.
        content - the binary content of the document.
        indexIt - true if the document is to be indexed, false otherwhise.
        the stored document.
      • createAttachment

        SimpleDocument createAttachment​(SimpleDocument document,
                                        File content,
                                        boolean indexIt,
                                        boolean invokeCallback)
        Create file attached to an object who is identified by the foreignId.

        The filename returned by SimpleDocument.getFilename() is normalized in order to get only single character encoding and no more combined characters. The normalized filename is set to given document.

        document - the document to be created.
        content - the binary content of the document.
        indexIt - true if the document is to be indexed, false otherwhise.
        invokeCallback - true if the callback methods of the components must be called, false for ignoring thoose callbacks.
        the stored document.
      • createIndex

        void createIndex​(SimpleDocument document)
        document -
      • deleteIndex

        void deleteIndex​(SimpleDocument document)
        document -
      • createIndex

        void createIndex​(SimpleDocument document,
                         Date startOfVisibilityPeriod,
                         Date endOfVisibilityPeriod)
        document -
        startOfVisibilityPeriod -
        endOfVisibilityPeriod -
      • deleteAllAttachments

        void deleteAllAttachments​(String resourceId,
                                  String componentInstanceId)
        Deletes all the document attached to a component resource.
        resourceId - the identifier of the resource.
        componentInstanceId - the identifier of the component instance into which the resource is referenced.
      • deleteAttachment

        void deleteAttachment​(SimpleDocument document)
        Delete a given attachment.
        document - the document to deleted.
      • deleteAttachment

        void deleteAttachment​(SimpleDocument document,
                              boolean invokeCallback)
        Delete a given attachment.
        document - the document to deleted.
        invokeCallback - true if the callback methods of the components must be called, false for ignoring thoose callbacks.
        AttachmentException - if the attachement cannot be deleted.
      • removeContent

        void removeContent​(SimpleDocument document,
                           String lang,
                           boolean invokeCallback)
        To remove the content of the document in the specified language.
        document -
        lang -
        invokeCallback -
      • searchDocumentById

        SimpleDocument searchDocumentById​(SimpleDocumentPK primaryKey,
                                          String lang)
        Search the document.
        primaryKey - the primary key of document.
        lang - the lang of the document.
        java.util.Vector: a collection of AttachmentDetail
        AttachmentException - when is impossible to search
      • listDocumentsByForeignKey

        SimpleDocumentList<SimpleDocument> listDocumentsByForeignKey​(ResourceReference foreignKey,
                                                                     String lang)
        Search all files attached to a foreign object.
        foreignKey - : the primary key of foreign object.
        lang - the language of the documents.
        the list of attached documents.
        AttachmentException - when is impossible to search
      • listAllDocumentsByForeignKey

        SimpleDocumentList<SimpleDocument> listAllDocumentsByForeignKey​(ResourceReference foreignKey,
                                                                        String lang)
        Search all documents (files, xmlform content, wysiwyg) attached to a foreign object.
        foreignKey - : the primary key of foreign object.
        lang - the language of the documents.
        the list of attached documents.
        AttachmentException - when is impossible to search
      • listDocumentsByForeignKeyAndType

        SimpleDocumentList<SimpleDocument> listDocumentsByForeignKeyAndType​(ResourceReference foreignKey,
                                                                            DocumentType type,
                                                                            String lang)
        Search all file attached to a foreign object.
        foreignKey - : the primary key of foreign object.
        type - : the type of document
        lang - the lang for the documents.
        the list of attached documents.
        AttachmentException - when is impossible to search
      • unindexAttachmentsOfExternalObject

        void unindexAttachmentsOfExternalObject​(ResourceReference foreignKey)
      • updateAttachment

        void updateAttachment​(SimpleDocument document,
                              boolean indexIt,
                              boolean invokeCallback)
        To update the document : status, metadata but not its content.

        The filename returned by SimpleDocument.getFilename() is normalized in order to get only single character encoding and no more combined characters. The normalized filename is set to given document.

        document -
        indexIt -
        invokeCallback -
      • updateAttachment

        void updateAttachment​(SimpleDocument document,
                              File content,
                              boolean indexIt,
                              boolean invokeCallback)
        To update a document content by updating or adding some content.

        The filename returned by SimpleDocument.getFilename() is normalized in order to get only single character encoding and no more combined characters. The normalized filename is set to given document.

        document -
        content -
        indexIt -
        invokeCallback -
      • updateAttachment

        void updateAttachment​(SimpleDocument document,
                              InputStream content,
                              boolean indexIt,
                              boolean invokeCallback)
        To update a document content by updating or adding some content.

        The filename returned by SimpleDocument.getFilename() is normalized in order to get only single character encoding and no more combined characters. The normalized filename is set to given document.

        document -
        content -
        indexIt -
        invokeCallback -
      • listDocumentsRequiringWarning

        List<SimpleDocument> listDocumentsRequiringWarning​(Date alertDate,
                                                           String language)
        Search all the documents in an instance which are locked at the alert date.
        alertDate - the date when a warning is required.
        language - the language in which the documents are required.
        an ordered list of the documents.
      • listExpiringDocuments

        List<SimpleDocument> listExpiringDocuments​(Date alertDate,
                                                   String language)
        Search all the documents in an instance which require an alert at the specified date.
        alertDate - the date when the document reservation should alter.
        language - the language in which the documents are required.
        an ordered list of the documents.
      • listDocumentsToUnlock

        List<SimpleDocument> listDocumentsToUnlock​(Date expiryDate,
                                                   String language)
        Search all the documents in an instance requiring to be unlocked at the specified date.
        expiryDate - the date when the document reservation should expire.
        language - the language in which the documents are required.
        an ordered list of the documents.
      • lock

        boolean lock​(String attachmentId,
                     String userId,
                     String language)
        Checkout a file to be updated by user.
        attachmentId - the id of the attachemnt to be locked.
        userId - : the user locking and modifying the attachment.
        language - the language of the attachment.
        false if the attachment is already checkout - true if the attachment was successfully checked out.
      • unlock

        boolean unlock​(UnlockContext context)
        Release a locked file.
        context - : the unlock parameters.
        false if the file is locked - true if the unlock succeeded.
      • changeVersionState

        SimpleDocumentPK changeVersionState​(SimpleDocumentPK pk,
                                            String comment)
        Change the management of versions of the document. If the document is currently with version management, then all history is removed and the document becomes a simple document with no more version management. If the document has no version management then a new public version is created and the document becomes a document with a version history management. F
        pk - the id of the document.
        comment - the comment of the versioned documetn if we are switching from simple to versioned.
        the pk to the document after is state change.
      • findExistingDocument

        SimpleDocument findExistingDocument​(SimpleDocumentPK pk,
                                            String fileName,
                                            ResourceReference foreign,
                                            String lang)
        Find documents with the same name attached to the specified foreign id.
        fileName - the name of the file.
        pk - the id of the document.
        lang - the language of the document.
        foreign - the id of the container of the document.
        a document with the same filename - null if none is found.
      • listDocumentsLockedByUser

        List<SimpleDocument> listDocumentsLockedByUser​(String usedId,
                                                       String language)
        Search all the documents locked by a specific user.
        usedId - the id of the user.
        language - the language in which the documents are required.
        an ordered list of the documents.
      • indexAllDocuments

        void indexAllDocuments​(ResourceReference fk,
                               Date startOfVisibilityPeriod,
                               Date endOfVisibilityPeriod)
        Indexes all the documents (whatever their type) of a container.
        fk - the id of the container of the document.
        startOfVisibilityPeriod - can be null.
        endOfVisibilityPeriod - can be null.
      • switchComponentBehaviour

        void switchComponentBehaviour​(String componentId,
                                      boolean toVersionning)
        Change the management of versions of the documents of a whole component (only attachments are taken into account). If the document is currently with version management, then all history is removed and the document becomes a simple document with no more version management. If the document has no version management then a new public version is created and the document becomes a document with a version history management.
        componentId - : the id of the component switching its behaviour.
        toVersionning - : if set to true all simple attachments become versioned, if false all versioned attachments become simple attachments.
      • switchAllowingDownloadForReaders

        void switchAllowingDownloadForReaders​(SimpleDocumentPK pk,
                                              boolean allowing)
        Allows or forbids the download for readers.
        pk - the id of the document.
        allowing - : allowing the download for readers if true versioned attachments become simple attachments.
      • switchEnableDisplayAsContent

        void switchEnableDisplayAsContent​(SimpleDocumentPK pk,
                                          boolean enable)
        Enables or not the display of the content of an attachment.
        pk - the id of the document.
        enable - enable the display if true
      • switchEnableEditSimultaneously

        void switchEnableEditSimultaneously​(SimpleDocumentPK pk,
                                            boolean enable)
        Enables or not the simultaneous edition of the content of an attachment.
        pk - the id of the document.
        enable - enable edition simultaneously if true