Interface PopupMessageService

    • Method Detail

      • read

        PopupMsg read​(String userId)
        Read the first message (the oldest in other words) about a user and a session.
        userId - the identifier of the user.
        an instance of PopupMsg which represents the Silverpeas message.
      • deleteById

        void deleteById​(String msgId)
        Deletes the message which is referenced by the given identifier.
        msgId - the identifier of the message to delete.
      • deleteAll

        void deleteAll​(String userId)
        Deletes all the messages linked to the user and the session represented by given identifiers.
        userId - the identifier of the user.
      • push

        void push​(String userId,
                  NotificationData notifMsg)
        Pushes a new message into the context.
        userId - the identifier of the user.
        notifMsg - the notification meta data.