Interface PdcManager

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface PdcManager
    Manager of the PdC (Plan de Classement in French or Classification Plan in English). The PdC is a multi-dimensional tree of coordinates. The tree defines an ontology in which each axis and sub-axis are about a semantic topic (for example "Geography") that is refined down to the the sub-axis and in which each coordinate along each axis is a semantic label (made of one or more words, for example "Sri Lanka" in the sub-axis "Asia" of the axis "Geography") with or without a mapped thesaurus. The PdC gives a way to the users to explicitly or automatically color their contributions with some meanings and from those meanings to find the contributions related by them. The PdC manager is the low-level object that is responsible to construct such a PdC in Silverpeas, to filter the PdC's axis per application instance, and to position semantically the contributions into the PdC.