Interface State

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface State
    Interface describing a representation of the <state> element of a Process Model.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        String getName()
        Get the name of this state
        state's name
      • setName

        void setName​(String name)
        Set the name of this state
        name - state's name
      • getLabel

        String getLabel​(String role,
                        String language)
        Get label in specific language for the given role
        language - label's language
        role - role for which the label is
        wanted label as a String object. If label is not found, search label with given role and default language, if not found again, return the default label in given language, if not found again, return the default label in default language, if not found again, return empty string.
      • getLabels

        ContextualDesignations getLabels()
        Get all the labels
        an object containing the collection of the labels
      • getActivities

        ContextualDesignations getActivities()
        Get all the activities
        an object containing the collection of the activities
      • getDescription

        String getDescription​(String role,
                              String language)
        Get description in specific language for the given role
        language - description's language
        role - role for which the description is
        wanted description as a String object. If description is not found, search description with given role and default language, if not found again, return the default description in given language, if not found again, return the default description in default language, if not found again, return empty string.
      • getDescriptions

        ContextualDesignations getDescriptions()
        Get all the descriptions
        an object containing the collection of the descriptions
      • createAllowedActions

        AllowedActions createAllowedActions()
        Create and return an object implementing AllowedActions
      • getTimeOutActions

        TimeOutAction[] getTimeOutActions()
        Get timeout actions for this state
        timeout actions
      • getAllowedActions

        Action[] getAllowedActions()
        Get actions available in this state
        allowedActions allowed actions
      • getFilteredActions

        Action[] getFilteredActions()
      • getAllowedActionsEx

        AllowedActions getAllowedActionsEx()
        Get all the allowed actions
        an object containing the collection of the allowed actions
      • setAllowedActions

        void setAllowedActions​(AllowedActions allowedActions)
        Set the allowed actions
      • setFilteredActions

        void setFilteredActions​(AllowedActions allowedActions)
      • getInterestedUsers

        QualifiedUsers getInterestedUsers()
        Get all the users interested by this state
        QualifiedUsers object containing interested users, or an empty QualifiedUsers object but never null
      • getInterestedUsersEx

        QualifiedUsers getInterestedUsersEx()
        Get all the users interested by this state
        QualifiedUsers object containing interested users, or null if none are defined
      • setInterestedUsers

        void setInterestedUsers​(QualifiedUsers interestedUsers)
        Set the users interested by this state
      • getWorkingUsers

        QualifiedUsers getWorkingUsers()
        Get all the users who can act in this state
        QualifiedUsers object containing theses users, or an empty QualifiedUsers object but never null
      • getWorkingUsersEx

        QualifiedUsers getWorkingUsersEx()
        Get all the users who can act in this state
        QualifiedUsers object containing theses users, or null if none are defined
      • setWorkingUsers

        void setWorkingUsers​(QualifiedUsers workingUsers)
        Set the users who can act in this state
      • getTimeoutInterval

        int getTimeoutInterval()
        Get the timeout interval of this state
        timeoutInterval interval in hours (as a int)
      • setTimeoutInterval

        void setTimeoutInterval​(int iHours)
        Set the timeout interval of this state
        iHours - interval in hours (as a int)
      • getTimeoutAction

        Action getTimeoutAction()
        Get the timeout action of this state Action that will played if timeout is trigerred
        timeout action
      • setTimeoutAction

        void setTimeoutAction​(Action timeoutAction)
        Set the timeout action of this state Action that will played if timeout is trigerred
        timeoutAction - timeout action
      • getTimeoutNotifyAdmin

        boolean getTimeoutNotifyAdmin()
        Get flag for admin notification if true, the timeout manager will send a notification to all supervisors
        admin notification flag
      • setTimeoutNotifyAdmin

        void setTimeoutNotifyAdmin​(boolean timeoutAction)
        Set flag for admin notification if true, the timeout manager will send a notification to all supervisors
        timeoutAction - notification flag