Class TaskImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class TaskImpl
    extends AbstractTaskImpl
    A task object is an activity description built by the workflow engine and sent via the taskManager to an external system which will notify the end user and manage the task realisation. Task objects will be created by the workflow engine when a new task is assigned to a user. Task objects will be created too for the ProcessManager GUI which will be used by the user to do the assigned activity.
    • Method Detail

      • setProcessInstance

        public void setProcessInstance​(ProcessInstance processInstance)
        Description copied from interface: Task
        Set process instance associated with task
      • getProcessInstance

        public ProcessInstance getProcessInstance()
        Returns the process instance.
      • getState

        public State getState()
        Returns the state to be resolved by the user.
      • getBackSteps

        public HistoryStep[] getBackSteps()
        Returns the history steps that user can discussed (ask a question to the actor of that step).
      • getPendingQuestions

        public Question[] getPendingQuestions()
        Returns the questions that must be answered
      • getRelevantQuestions

        public Question[] getRelevantQuestions()
        Returns the (non onsolete) questions that have been answered
      • getSentQuestions

        public Question[] getSentQuestions()
        Returns the question that have been asked and are waiting for a response
      • getActionNames

        public String[] getActionNames()
        Returns the action names list from which the user must choose to resolve the activity.