Class AbstractCmisObjectsTreeWalker

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractCmisObjectsTreeWalker

        public AbstractCmisObjectsTreeWalker()
    • Method Detail

      • prepareChildDataCreation

        protected void prepareChildDataCreation​(LocalizedResource parent,
                                                CmisProperties properties,
                                                String language)
        Prepares the creation of the object in Silverpeas from the specified CMIS properties and content stream, and in the given language. The preparation can update some CMIS properties and some content stream attributes required to create the object as a child of the given parent. This method is invoked by the createChildData(String, CmisProperties, ContentStream, String) method before the creation of the child itself. By default, this method throws the CmisNotSupportedException exception.
        parent - the resource in Silverpeas for which a new object has to be created.
        properties - the CMIS properties of the object to create.
        contentStream - a stream on a content from which a document has to be created. If not a document, can be null.
        language - the ISO 639-1 code of the language in which the textual properties of the object as well as the content (if any) are expressed.
      • createObjectData

        protected CmisObject createObjectData​(CmisProperties properties,
                                              String language)
        Creates a new CmisObject instance from the specified CMIS data properties and in the given language. This method is called by the createChildData(String, CmisProperties, ContentStream, String) method after the CMIS properties and content stream has been prepared by the walker in charge of the object parent of the child to create. By default, this method throws the CmisNotSupportedException exception.
        properties - the CMIS properties of the object to create.
        contentStream - a stream on a content from which a document has to be created. If not a document, can be null.
        language - the ISO 639-1 code of the language in which the textual properties of the object as well as the content (if any) are expressed.
        the created CmisObject object corresponding to the given CMIS properties.
        See Also:
        createChildData(String, CmisProperties, ContentStream, String)
      • updateObjectData

        protected CmisObject updateObjectData​(LocalizedResource object,
                                              CmisProperties properties,
                                              String language)
        Updates the specified Silverpeas object with the given CMIS properties and content stream, and for the given language. This method is invoked by the updateObjectData(String, CmisProperties, ContentStream, String) method to effectively perform the update. By default, this method throws the CmisNotSupportedException exception.
        object - the Silverpeas object to update.
        properties - the CMIS properties that contain the data with which the object has to be updated.
        contentStream - a stream on a content with which the content of the object has to be updated. It can be null if the object has no content or if the content hasn't to be updated.
        language - the ISO 639-1 code of the language in which the textual properties of the object as well as the content (if any) are expressed.
        the created CmisObject object corresponding to the given CMIS properties.
      • encodeToCmisObject

        protected abstract <T extends CmisObject> T encodeToCmisObject​(LocalizedResource resource,
                                                                       String language)
        Encodes the specified Silverpeas object into its CMIS counterpart. The CMIS representation depends on the concrete type of the Silverpeas object. The way how create such a CMIS object depends on the type of the Silverpeas object and it is then delegated to the walker that handles such a type of Silverpeas objects.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the concrete type of the CMIS object.
        resource - a localized resource in Silverpeas.
        language - the language to use in the localization of the CMIS object.
        a CmisObject instance.
      • isObjectSupported

        protected abstract boolean isObjectSupported​(String objectId)
        Is the object with the specified identifier supported by this walker?
        objectId - the unique identifier of an object.
        true if the walker knows how to work with objects with such an identifier pattern. False otherwise.
      • isTypeSupported

        protected abstract boolean isTypeSupported​(TypeId typeId)
        Is the specified CMIS type supported by this walker?
        typeId - the unique identifier of a CMIS type.
        true if the walker knows how to work with objects of the specified CMIS type. False otherwise.
      • createChildData

        public CmisObject createChildData​(String folderId,
                                          CmisProperties properties,
                                          String language)
        Description copied from interface: CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        Creates into the specified CMIS folder a new CmisObject child from the specified CMIS data properties and in the given language. If the child is a document then the content stream must be not null, otherwise, for any other object types, it is ignored even if it is set. The type of the child to create is provided by the PropertyIds.OBJECT_TYPE_ID property.

        If the content stream isn't set whereas the object to create is a document, then a CmisConstraintException is thrown.

        If the content stream is set whereas the object to create isn't a document, it is simply ignored.

        If an error occurs while registering the content from the specified content stream, then a CmisStorageException is thrown.

        Specified by:
        createChildData in interface CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        folderId - the unique identifier of a folder in the CMIS objects tree.
        properties - the CMIS properties of the child to create.
        contentStream - a stream on a content from which a document has to be created.
        language - the ISO 639-1 code of the language in which the textual properties of the object as well as the content (if any) are expressed.
        the created CmisObject object corresponding to the given CMIS properties.
      • updateObjectData

        public CmisObject updateObjectData​(String objectId,
                                           CmisProperties properties,
                                           String language)
        Description copied from interface: CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        Updates the specified CMIS object from the specified CMIS data properties and in the given language. If the object is a document then the content stream must be not null, otherwise, for any other object types, it is ignored even if it is set.

        If the content stream isn't set whereas the object to create is a document, then a CmisConstraintException is thrown.

        If the content stream is set whereas the object to create isn't a document, it is simply ignored.

        If an error occurs while registering the content from the specified content stream, then a CmisStorageException is thrown.

        Specified by:
        updateObjectData in interface CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        objectId - the unique identifier of an object in the CMIS objects tree.
        properties - the CMIS properties of the object to update.
        contentStream - a stream on a content from which a document has to be updated.
        language - the ISO 639-1 code of the language in which the textual properties of the object as well as the content (if any) are expressed.
        the updated CmisObject object corresponding to the given CMIS properties.
      • getContentStream

        public getContentStream​(String objectId,
                                                                                         String language,
                                                                                         long offset,
                                                                                         long length)
        Description copied from interface: CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        Gets a stream on the content of the specified object, starting at the given offset position and upto the given length.
        Specified by:
        getContentStream in interface CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        objectId - the unique identifier of the object in the CMIS objects tree.
        language - the ISO 639-1 code of the language of the content to fetch. If no content exists in the specified language, then it is the content for the first language found that will be returned (see I18n.getSupportedLanguages()).
        offset - the position in bytes in the content to start the stream.
        length - the length in bytes of the stream, id est the length of the content to read by the stream.
        a ContentStream instance.
      • getObjectData

        public CmisObject getObjectData​(String objectId,
                                        Filtering filtering)
        Description copied from interface: CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        Gets the CMIS data of the Silverpeas object uniquely identified by the specified identifier. Only the data satisfying the given filtering rules are returned.
        Specified by:
        getObjectData in interface CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        objectId - the unique identifier of a Silverpeas object.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the data.
        a CmisObject instance that provides the CMIS data of the specified Silverpeas object.
      • getObjectDataByPath

        public CmisFile getObjectDataByPath​(String path,
                                            Filtering filtering)
        Description copied from interface: CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        Gets the CMIS data of the Silverpeas object that is located at the specified path in the CMIS objects tree. Only the data satisfying the given filtering rules are returned. The root of the CMIS objects tree is the CmisFilePath.PATH_SEPARATOR.
        Specified by:
        getObjectDataByPath in interface CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        path - the path of the object in Silverpeas to get.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the data.
        an ObjectData instance that provides the CMIS data of the specified Silverpeas object.
      • getParentsData

        public List<> getParentsData​(String objectId,
                                                                                                Filtering filtering)
        Description copied from interface: CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        Gets a list of the CMIS data of the Silverpeas objects that are the direct parents of the CMIS object uniquely identified by the specified identifier. Only the data satisfying the given filtering rules are returned. A file-able CMIS object can have one or more parents but in Silverpeas, only publications in an EDM can have more than one parent (through the aliasing mechanism), so unless the object referred by the specified identifier is an aliased publication, this method returns usually a list with one element.
        Specified by:
        getParentsData in interface CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        objectId - the unique identifier of a Silverpeas resource or contribution.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the CMIS data to return.
        a list of ObjectParentData elements, each of them being a wrapper of an ObjectData instance with the path of the specified object relative to this parent. The CMIS data are carried by the ObjectData object. If the specified object isn't file-able or it is the root folder (the virtual root space in Silverpeas), then an empty list is returned.
      • getCmisObject

        protected final <T extends CmisObject> T getCmisObject​(LocalizedResource resource,
                                                               String language)
        Gets the CMIS representation of the specified localized resource in Silverpeas. This is a shortcut of the following code:
          selectInstance(object.getIdentifier().asString()).createCmisObject(object, language);
        Type Parameters:
        T - the concrete type of the CMIS object
        resource - a localized resource in Silverpeas exposed in the CMIS objects tree
        language - the language in which the resource has to be exposed.
      • getContentStream

        protected getContentStream​(LocalizedResource resource,
                                                                                            String language,
                                                                                            long offset,
                                                                                            long length)
      • browseParentsOfObject

        protected abstract List<> browseParentsOfObject​(LocalizedResource object,
                                                                                                                   Filtering filtering)
        Browses for the parents in the CMIS objects tree of the specified Silverpeas object. In a CMIS objects tree, a child can have direct one or several parents. This method returns all of them. However, as the browsing of the CMIS objects tree depends on the type of its node and hence on the type of the objects in Silverpeas, the browsing is delegated to the walker that knows how to handle such a Silverpeas object.
        object - an identifiable object in Silverpeas.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the CMIS data to return.
        a list of ObjectParentData elements, each of them being a wrapper of an ObjectData instance with the path of the specified object relative to this parent. The CMIS data are carried by the ObjectData object. If the specified object isn't file-able or it is the root folder (the virtual root space in Silverpeas), then an empty list is returned.
      • getSilverpeasObjectById

        protected abstract <T extends LocalizedResource & Securable> T getSilverpeasObjectById​(String objectId)
        Gets in Silverpeas the object identified by the specified unique identifier. The way how to get such an object depends on its type and it is then delegated to the walker that handles such a type of Silverpeas objects.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the concrete type of the object to return.
        objectId - the unique identifier of an object in Silverpeas.
        a Silverpeas object or null if no such object exists.
      • buildObjectInFolderList

        protected final buildObjectInFolderList​(List<LocalizedResource> objects,
                                                                                                              Filtering filtering,
                                                                                                              Paging paging)
        Builds the CMIS data corresponding to all of the specified Silverpeas object by taking into account the filtering that indicates the properties to return and the paging that indicates both from which object the build is started and the number of objects to build (and return).
        objects - the objects in Silverpeas to expose and therefore for which a CMIS object representation has to be built.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the data to build.
        paging - the paging to apply on the elements of the list.
        an ObjectInFolderList instance that is a list of ObjectInFolderData elements, each of them being a decorator of an ObjectData instance with its path in the CMIS repository tree (if asked by the filtering). The CMIS data are carried by the ObjectData object. The size and the content of the list is conditioned by the paging rules.
      • getAllowedChildrenOfSilverpeasObject

        protected abstract Stream<LocalizedResource> getAllowedChildrenOfSilverpeasObject​(ResourceIdentifier parentId,
                                                                                          User user)
        Gets in Silverpeas all the children objects of the specified parent and that are accessible to the given user. The way how to get such an object depends on its type and it is then delegated to the walker that handles such a type of Silverpeas objects.
        parentId - the unique identifier of the parent in Silverpeas.
        user - the user for which the children are get.
        a stream over all the allowed children of the specified parent in Silverpeas.
      • buildObjectInFolderContainer

        protected final org.apache.chemistry.opencmis.commons.impl.dataobjects.ObjectInFolderContainerImpl buildObjectInFolderContainer​(CmisFile file,
                                                                                                                                        Filtering filtering)
        Builds the CMIS data both for the specified CMIS folder and recursively for all of its children by taking into account the filtering that indicates the properties to return.
        file - a CMIS file representing a Silverpeas object.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the data to build.
        an ObjectInFolderContainerImpl instance representing the CMIS data of the folder plus the CMIS data of its direct children, and so on for each of its children.
      • getChildrenData

        public getChildrenData​(String folderId,
                                                                                             Filtering filtering,
                                                                                             Paging paging)
        Description copied from interface: CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        Gets a list of CMIS data of the Silverpeas objects that are children of the CMIS folder uniquely identified by the specified identifier. The CMIS folder represents a Silverpeas resource that is a container of others Silverpeas resources (space, component instance, ...). If this method is invoked for a document instead of a folder, then an empty ObjectInFolderList list should be returned.
        Specified by:
        getChildrenData in interface CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        folderId - the unique identifier of a Silverpeas resource.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the CMIS data to return.
        paging - the paging to apply on the elements of the list.
        an ObjectInFolderList instance that is a list of ObjectInFolderData elements, each of them being a decorator of an ObjectData instance with its path in the CMIS repository tree (if asked by the filtering). The CMIS data are carried by the ObjectData object. If the folder has no children, then an empty ObjectInFolderList instance is returned.
      • setObjectDataFields

        protected final void setObjectDataFields​(CmisObject object,
                                                 Filtering filtering)
        The specified CMIS objects in Silverpeas implement the ObjectData interface that defines the specific CMIS attributes and properties a CMIS object should have. Sets these data by taking into account the specified filtering rules.
        object - a CMIS object.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the data to set.
      • getSubTreeData

        public List<> getSubTreeData​(String folderId,
                                                                                                       Filtering filtering,
                                                                                                       long depth)
        Description copied from interface: CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        Gets the CMIS objects subtree rooted to the CMIS folder uniquely identified by the specified identifier. The CMIS folder represents a Silverpeas resource that is a container of others Silverpeas resources (space, component instance, ...). A list of the direct children of the folder (ObjectInFolderContainer instances) is returned with, for each of them, if any, their own direct children and so on. Each child is described by their CMIS data (a decorator ObjectInFolderData of an ObjectData instance) filtered with the given filtering rules. If this method is invoked for a document instead of a folder, then an empty list should be returned.
        Specified by:
        getSubTreeData in interface CmisObjectsTreeWalker
        folderId - the unique identifier of a Silverpeas resource.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the CMIS data to return.
        depth - the maximum depth of the subtree to return from the specified folder. If -1, the subtree will contain all the descendents at all depth levels. If 0, nothing. If 1, only the direct children. If greater than 1 only children of the folder and descendants up to the given levels deep. Any other values throws an IllegalArgumentException error.
        a list of ObjectInFolderContainer elements (the direct children), each of them being a container of others ObjectInFolderContainer objects (recursive walk of children) and described by an ObjectInFolderData instance that is a decorator of an ObjectData instance (the CMIS data) with its path in the CMIS repository tree (if asked by the filtering). The CMIS data are carried by the ObjectData object. If the folder has no children, then an empty list is returned.
      • browseObjectsInFolderTree

        protected abstract List<> browseObjectsInFolderTree​(LocalizedResource object,
                                                                                                                              Filtering filtering,
                                                                                                                              long depth)
        Browses for the objects in the CMIS tree rooted at the specified object in Silverpeas. The browsing depends on the type of the specified object in Silverpeas and it is then delegated to the walker that knows how to browse a tree rooted at such a tree.
        object - an identifiable object in Silverpeas.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the CMIS data to return.
        depth - the depth of the browsing of the tree.
        a list of ObjectInFolderContainer elements (the direct children), each of them being a container of others ObjectInFolderContainer objects (recursive walk of the different tree's nodes) and described by an ObjectInFolderData instance that is a decorator of an ObjectData instance (the CMIS data) with its path in the CMIS repository tree (if asked by the filtering). The CMIS data are carried by the ObjectData object.
      • browseObjectsInFolder

        protected abstract browseObjectsInFolder​(LocalizedResource object,
                                                                                                               Filtering filtering,
                                                                                                               Paging paging)
        Browses for the direct children in the CMIS folder represented by the specified Silverpeas object. the browsing of children depends on the type of the specified object in Silverpeas and it is then delegated to the walker that knows how to browse for children such an object.
        object - an identifiable object in Silverpeas.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the CMIS data to return.
        paging - the paging to apply on the elements of the list.
        an ObjectInFolderList instance that is a list of ObjectInFolderData elements, each of them being a decorator of an ObjectData instance with its path in the CMIS repository tree (if asked by the filtering). The CMIS data are carried by the ObjectData object.
      • browseObjectsInFolderSubTrees

        protected final List<> browseObjectsInFolderSubTrees​(List<LocalizedResource> objects,
                                                                                                                               Filtering filtering,
                                                                                                                               long depth)
        Browses the different subtrees rooted at the specified objects for all the children accessible by the user in the given filter up to the specified level depth of the trees. The subtrees are all part of a same CMIS objects tree and therefore share a common parent.
        objects - the objects in Silverpeas as root of the subtrees to browse.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the CMIS data to return.
        depth - the depth of the browsing of the tree.
        a list of ObjectInFolderContainer elements (the direct children), each of them being a container of others ObjectInFolderContainer objects (recursive walk of the different tree's nodes) and described by an ObjectInFolderData instance that is a decorator of an ObjectData instance (the CMIS data) with its path in the CMIS repository tree (if asked by the filtering). The CMIS data are carried by the ObjectData object.
      • buildObjectInFolderData

        protected final buildObjectInFolderData​(CmisFile file,
                                                                                                              Filtering filtering)
        Builds the CMIS data corresponding to the specified CMIS folder and by taking into account the filtering that indicates the properties to return.
        file - a CMIS file representing a Silverpeas object.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the data to build.
        an ObjectInFolderData object representing the CMIS data of the folder plus its path segment in the CMIS objects tree (if not excluded by the filtering rules).
      • buildObjectParentData

        protected final buildObjectParentData​(CmisFolder parent,
                                                                                                          CmisObject folder,
                                                                                                          Filtering filtering)
        Builds the CMIS data corresponding to the given parent of the specified folder and by taking into account the filtering that indicates the properties to return.
        parent - a CMIS folder parent of the below other CMIS folder. It represents a Silverpeas object, itself parent of the Silverpeas object represented by the below CMIS folder.
        folder - a CMIS folder representing a Silverpeas object.
        filtering - the filtering rules to apply on the data to build.
        an ObjectParentData object representing the CMIS data of the parent plus the path segment of the child folder relative to the parent in the CMIS objects tree (if not excluded by the filtering rules).