Interface OrganizationController

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface OrganizationController
    The organization controller is the gateway for accessing the organizational resources of Silverpeas: spaces, component instances, users, groups, roles, and so one. It performs additional controls and treatments on these resources according to some authorization and privacy rules before returning them. This is why their access have to be centralized to this controller. For organizational resources management or for technical transverse services (like the user notification service for example), prefer to use directly the Administration service.
    • Method Detail

      • getAllSpaceIds

        String[] getAllSpaceIds()
        Return all the spaces available in silverpeas
        an array with the identifiers of the spaces
      • getAllSubSpaceIds

        String[] getAllSubSpaceIds​(String sSpaceId)
        Return all the subSpaces available in silverpeas given a space id (driver format)
        sSpaceId - the identifier of the parent space
        an array with the identifiers of the subspaces.
      • getSpaceNames

        String[] getSpaceNames​(String[] asSpaceIds)
        Return the spaces name corresponding to the given space ids.
        asSpaceIds - one or more space identifiers.
        the names of the specified spaces
      • getSpaceInstLightById

        SpaceInstLight getSpaceInstLightById​(String spaceId)
        Return the space light corresponding to the given space id
        spaceId - the unique identifier of a space.
        the space
      • getSpaceInstById

        SpaceInst getSpaceInstById​(String sSpaceId)
        Return the space instance corresponding to the given space id
      • getAvailCompoIds

        String[] getAvailCompoIds​(String sClientSpaceId,
                                  String sUserId)
        Return the component ids available for the current user id in the given space id
      • getAvailCompoIds

        String[] getAvailCompoIds​(String sUserId)
        Return the component ids available for the current user id
      • getAvailCompoIdsAtRoot

        String[] getAvailCompoIdsAtRoot​(String sClientSpaceId,
                                        String sUserId)
        Return the component ids available for the current user id in the given space id
      • getCompoForUser

        CompoSpace[] getCompoForUser​(String sUserId,
                                     String sCompoName)
        Return the tuples (space id, compo id) allowed for the given user and given component name
        sUserId - the identifier of a user
        sCompoName - the name of a component
        an array of tuples (space id, component instance id) of resources available by the user
      • getAvailComponentInstLights

        List<ComponentInstLight> getAvailComponentInstLights​(String userId,
                                                             String componentName)
        Gets the available component for a given user
        userId - user identifier used to get component
        componentName - type of component to retrieve ( for example : kmelia, forums, blog)
        a list of ComponentInstLight object
      • getComponentIdsForUser

        String[] getComponentIdsForUser​(String sUserId,
                                        String sCompoName)
        Gets the component instances accessible by the specified user and spawn from the specified application in Silverpeas.
        sUserId - the unique identifier of a user in Silverpeas.
        sCompoName - the name of the application for which the instances have to be got.
        an array with the identifier of component instances.
      • getCompoId

        String[] getCompoId​(String sCompoName)
        Return the compo id for the given component name
        sCompoName - the name of a component
        an array of identifiers of instances of the given component
      • getComponentParameterValue

        String getComponentParameterValue​(String sComponentId,
                                          String parameterName)
        Gets the value of the specified parameter of the given application instance.
        sComponentId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        parameterName - the name of an application parameter.
        a textual representation of the value of the parameter or an empty string if no such parameter is defined for the given component instance.
      • getComponentsWithParameterValue

        List<ComponentInstLight> getComponentsWithParameterValue​(String param,
                                                                 String value)
        Gets all the component instance having the specified value for the given application parameter.
        param - the name of an application parameter.
        value - the value of the application parameter.
        a list of component instances.
      • getParameterValuesByComponentIdThenByParamName

        Map<String,​Map<String,​String>> getParameterValuesByComponentIdThenByParamName​(Collection<String> componentIds,
                                                                                                  Collection<String> paramNames)
        Gets all parameters values by component and by parameter name.
        componentIds - list of component identifier.
        paramNames - optional list of parameter name. All parameters are retrieved if it is not filled or null
        a map filled with couples of parameter name / value per component instance identifier.
      • getComponentInstance

        Optional<SilverpeasComponentInstance> getComponentInstance​(String componentInstanceIdentifier)
        Gets the component instance related to the given identifier.
        In contrary to getComponentInst(String), getComponentInstLight(String) signatures, this one is able to return different kinds of implementation of SilverpeasComponentInstance and it is able to deal with administration cache too.
        So, this signature is useful into contexts of transverse treatments.
        componentInstanceIdentifier - the identifier of the requested component instance.
        an optional component instance.
      • getComponentInst

        ComponentInst getComponentInst​(String sComponentId)
        Return the component Instance corresponding to the given component id
      • getComponentInstLight

        ComponentInstLight getComponentInstLight​(String sComponentId)
        Return the component Instance Light corresponding to the given component id
      • getUserFull

        UserFull getUserFull​(String sUserId)
        Return the full detail of the user with the given ldap id
      • getUserDetail

        <T extends User> T getUserDetail​(String sUserId)
        Return the detail of the user with the given ldap id
      • getUserDetails

        <T extends User> T[] getUserDetails​(String[] asUserIds)
        Return an array of users corresponding to the given user id array
      • getAllUsers

        <T extends User> T[] getAllUsers​(String componentId)
        Return all the users allowed to access the given component
      • getAllUsersInDomain

        <T extends User> T[] getAllUsersInDomain​(String domainId)
        Gets all the users that belong to the specified domain.
        domainId - the unique identifier of the domain.
        an array of users objects or null if no such domain exists.
      • searchUsers

        <T extends UserSilverpeasList<T> searchUsers​(UserDetailsSearchCriteria criteria)
        Searches the users that match the specified criteria.
        criteria - the criteria in searching of user details.
        a slice of the list of user details matching the criteria or an empty list of no ones are found. user details.
      • getAllRootGroupsInDomain

        <T extends Group> T[] getAllRootGroupsInDomain​(String domainId)
        Gets all the user groups that belong to the specified domain.
        domainId - the unique identifier of the domain.
        an array of Group objects or null if no such domain exists.
      • getFilteredDirectUsers

        <T extends User> T[] getFilteredDirectUsers​(String sGroupId,
                                                    String sUserLastNameFilter)
        For use in userPanel : return the users that are direct child of a given group
      • searchGroups

        <T extends GroupSilverpeasList<T> searchGroups​(GroupsSearchCriteria criteria)
        Searches the groups that match the specified criteria.
        criteria - the criteria in searching of user groups.
        a slice of the list of user groups matching the criteria or an empty list of no ones are found. user groups.
      • getAllSubUsersNumber

        int getAllSubUsersNumber​(String sGroupId)
        Returns the total number of distinct users recursively contained in the specified group
      • getAllSubGroups

        <T extends Group> T[] getAllSubGroups​(String parentGroupId)
        For use in userPanel : return the direct subgroups
      • getRecursivelyAllSubgroups

        <T extends Group> T[] getRecursivelyAllSubgroups​(String parentGroupId)
        Gets all the groups and subgroups that are children of the specified group.
        Type Parameters:
        T - the concrete type of the Group instances to return.
        parentGroupId - the unique identifier of a group.
        an array with all the groups that are children of the specified group.
      • getAllUsers

        <T extends User> T[] getAllUsers()
        Return all the users of Silverpeas
      • getUsers

        <T extends User> T[] getUsers​(String componentId,
                                      String profile)
        Return all the users with the given profile allowed to access the given component of the given space
      • getUserProfiles

        String[] getUserProfiles​(String userId,
                                 String componentId)
        Gets all the profiles the specified user plays in the given component instance.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user in Silverpeas.
        componentId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        an array with the name of all the user profiles in the given component instance. The name of the profiles correspond to the roles the user plays in the component instance.
      • getUserProfilesByComponentId

        Map<String,​Set<String>> getUserProfilesByComponentId​(String userId,
                                                                   Collection<String> componentIds)
        Gets the profile names of given user indexed by the given component instances.
        userId - a user identifier as string.
        componentIds - list of component instance identifier as string.
        a map filled with list of profile name as string by component instance identifier as string.
      • getSpaceUserProfilesBySpaceId

        List<String> getSpaceUserProfilesBySpaceId​(String userId,
                                                   String spaceId)
        Gets all the profiles the specified user plays in the given space.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user in Silverpeas.
        spaceId - the unique identifier of a space.
        a list with the name of all the user profiles in the given space. The name of the profiles correspond to the roles the user plays in the space.
      • getSpaceUserProfilesBySpaceIds

        Map<String,​Set<String>> getSpaceUserProfilesBySpaceIds​(String userId,
                                                                     Collection<String> spaceIds)
        Gets the profile names of given user indexed by the given space.
        userId - a user identifier as string.
        spaceIds - list of space identifier as string.
        a map filled with list of profile name as string by space identifier as string.
      • getUserProfiles

        String[] getUserProfiles​(String userId,
                                 String componentId,
                                 ProfiledObjectId objectId)
        Gets all the profiles the user have for the specified resource in the given component instance.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user.
        componentId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        objectId - the unique identifier of a resource in Silverpeas whose access is covered by some user profiles.
        an array with the name of all the user profiles the user play for the given resource in the application instance. The name of the profiles correspond to the roles the user plays.
      • getUserProfilesByComponentIdAndObjectId

        Map<org.silverpeas.kernel.util.Pair<String,​String>,​Set<String>> getUserProfilesByComponentIdAndObjectId​(String userId,
                                                                                                                            Collection<String> componentIds,
                                                                                                                            ProfiledObjectIds profiledObjectIds)
        Gets the profile names of given user indexed by couple of given component instances and object instances.
        userId - a user identifier as string.
        componentIds - list of component instance identifier as string.
        profiledObjectIds - if NOTHING is given, then all the rows associated to the type are returned, otherwise all the rows associated to type and ids.
        a map filled with list of profile name as string by couple component instance identifier as string - object identifier as String.
      • getUserObjectProfiles

        Map<String,​List<String>> getUserObjectProfiles​(String userId,
                                                             String componentId,
                                                             ProfiledObjectType profiledObjectType)
        Gets the profile names the given user plays in the component instance for accessing the resources of the given type. instances.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user.
        componentId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        profiledObjectType - if NONE is given, then all the rows associated to the type are returned, otherwise all the rows associated to type.
        a map associating each object whose type matches the specified one with a list of profile names.
      • getUserProfiles

        List<ProfileInst> getUserProfiles​(String componentId,
                                          ProfiledObjectId objectId)
        Gets all the user profiles defined in the specified component instance to access the specified resource.
        componentId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        objectId - the unique identifier of a resource covered by access rights.
        a list of user profiles.
      • getUserProfile

        ProfileInst getUserProfile​(String profileId)
        Gets the user profile with the specified unique identifier.
        profileId - the unique identifier of a user profile.
        the profile instance or null if no such profile exists.
      • getAdministratorUserIds

        String[] getAdministratorUserIds​(String fromUserId)
        Return all administrators ids
      • getGroup

        <T extends Group> T getGroup​(String sGroupId)
        Return the Group of the group with the given id
      • getGroups

        <T extends Group> T[] getGroups​(String[] groupsId)
        Return all groups specified by the groupsIds
      • getAllGroups

        <T extends Group> T[] getAllGroups()
        Return all the groups of silverpeas
      • getAllRootGroups

        <T extends Group> T[] getAllRootGroups()
        Return all root groups of silverpeas or null if an error occurred when getting the root groups.
      • getAllUsersOfGroup

        <T extends User> T[] getAllUsersOfGroup​(String groupId)
        Get ALL the users that are in a group or his subgroups
      • getPathToGroup

        List<String> getPathToGroup​(String groupId)
        Get path to Group
      • getAllSpaceIds

        String[] getAllSpaceIds​(String sUserId)
      • getUserManageableSpaceIds

        String[] getUserManageableSpaceIds​(String sUserId)
        Return all the spaces id manageable by given user in Silverpeas
      • getAllRootSpaceIds

        String[] getAllRootSpaceIds()
        Return all the root spaceIds
      • getAllRootSpaceIds

        String[] getAllRootSpaceIds​(String sUserId)
        Return all the root spaceIds available for the user sUserId
      • getAllSubSpaceIds

        String[] getAllSubSpaceIds​(String sSpaceId,
                                   String sUserId)
        Return all the subSpaces id available given a space id (driver format)
      • getAllComponentIds

        String[] getAllComponentIds​(String sSpaceId)
        Returns all the component identifiers of the space represented by the given identifier.

        Component instance of sub spaces are not retrieved.

        It returns also ids of SilverpeasPersonalComponentInstance instances.

      • getAllComponentIdsRecur

        String[] getAllComponentIdsRecur​(String sSpaceId)
        Returns all the component identifiers of the space, and its sub spaces, represented by the given identifier.

        It returns also ids of SilverpeasPersonalComponentInstance instances.

      • getRootSpacesContainingComponent

        List<SpaceInstLight> getRootSpacesContainingComponent​(String userId,
                                                              String componentName)
        Gets all the spaces at root level accessible by the specified user and containing at least one instance of the specified application.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user in Silverpeas.
        componentName - the name of an application in Silverpeas.
        a list of space instances.
      • getSubSpacesContainingComponent

        List<SpaceInstLight> getSubSpacesContainingComponent​(String spaceId,
                                                             String userId,
                                                             String componentName)
        Gets all the subspaces of the given space accessible by the specified user and containing at least one instance of the specified application.
        spaceId - the unique identifier of a space in Silverpeas.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user in Silverpeas.
        componentName - the name of an application in Silverpeas.
        a list of space instances.
      • isToolAvailable

        boolean isToolAvailable​(String toolId)
        Is the specified tool is available in Silverpeas?

        A tool in Silverpeas is a singleton component that is dedicated to a given user. Each tool is identified by a unique identifier, and it is unique to each user.
        toolId - the unique identifier of a tool.
        true if the tool is available, false otherwise.
      • getAvailableComponentsByUser

        List<String> getAvailableComponentsByUser​(String userId)
        Gets the component instance identifiers available for the specified user?

        A component is an application in Silverpeas to perform some tasks and to manage some resources. Each component in Silverpeas can be instantiated several times, each of them corresponding then to a running application in Silverpeas, and it is uniquely identified from others instances by a given identifier.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user.
        a list of component instance identifier as string.
      • isComponentAvailableToUser

        boolean isComponentAvailableToUser​(String componentId,
                                           String userId)
        Is the specified component instance available among the components instances accessible by the specified user?

        A component is an application in Silverpeas to perform some tasks and to manage some resources. Each component in Silverpeas can be instantiated several times, each of them corresponding then to a running application in Silverpeas, and it is uniquely identified from others instances by a given identifier.
        componentId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user.
        true if the component instance is available, false otherwise.
      • isComponentAvailableToGroup

        boolean isComponentAvailableToGroup​(String componentId,
                                            String groupId)
        Is the specified component instance available among the components instances accessible by the specified group of users?

        A component is an application in Silverpeas to perform some tasks and to manage some resources. Each component in Silverpeas can be instantiated several times, each of them corresponding then to a running application in Silverpeas, and it is uniquely identified from others instances by a given identifier.
        componentId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        groupId - the unique identifier of a group of users.
        true if the component instance is available, false otherwise.
      • isComponentExist

        boolean isComponentExist​(String componentId)
        Is the specified component instance exists in Silverpeas?
        componentId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        true if a component instance exists in Silverpeas with the given identifier. False otherwise.
      • isComponentManageable

        boolean isComponentManageable​(String componentId,
                                      String userId)
        Is the specified component instance manageable by the given user? The component instance is manageable if the user has enough access right to manage it.
        componentId - the unique identifier of the component instance.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user.
        true of the user can manage the specified component instance. False otherwise.
      • isSpaceAvailable

        boolean isSpaceAvailable​(String spaceId,
                                 String userId)
        Is the specified space is allowed to be accessed by the given user?
        spaceId - the unique identifier of a space
        userId - the unique identifier of a user
        true if user is allowed to access at least to one component instance in given space, false otherwise.
      • isObjectAvailableToUser

        boolean isObjectAvailableToUser​(ProfiledObjectId objectId,
                                        String componentId,
                                        String userId)
        Is the specified resource protected by access rights in the given component instance is allowed to be accessed by the specified user?
        objectId - the unique identifier of a resource protected by access rights.
        componentId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user in Silverpeas.
        true if the user can access the given resource in the component instance. False otherwise.
      • isObjectAvailableToGroup

        boolean isObjectAvailableToGroup​(ProfiledObjectId objectId,
                                         String componentId,
                                         String groupId)
        Is the specified resource protected by access rights in the given component instance is allowed to be accessed by the specified group of users?
        objectId - the unique identifier of a resource protected by access rights.
        componentId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        groupId - the unique identifier of a group of users in Silverpeas.
        true if the group can access the given resource in the component instance. False otherwise.
      • getSpaceTreeview

        List<SpaceInstLight> getSpaceTreeview​(String userId)
        Gets the treeview of spaces in Silverpeas available to the specified user.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user.
        a list of space instances accessible by the user and modeling a treeview.
      • getAllowedSubSpaceIds

        String[] getAllowedSubSpaceIds​(String userId,
                                       String spaceFatherId)
        Gets the all the subspaces of the specified space accessible to the given user.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user.
        spaceFatherId - the unique identifier of a space.
        an array with the identifiers of the subspaces.
      • getRootSpace

        SpaceInstLight getRootSpace​(String spaceId)
        Gets the root space for which the specified space is a direct or indirect child. If the given space is yet a root space, it returns just its instance.
        spaceId - the unique identifier of a space in Silverpeas.
        the space instance representing the root space, parent of the given space, or null if the given space doesn't exist.
      • getAllUsersIds

        String[] getAllUsersIds()
        Return all the users of Silverpeas
      • getUsersIdsByRoleNames

        String[] getUsersIdsByRoleNames​(String componentId,
                                        List<String> profileNames)
        Return userIds according to a list of profile names
        componentId - the instance id
        profileNames - the list which contains the profile names
        a string array of user id
      • getUsersIdsByRoleNames

        String[] getUsersIdsByRoleNames​(String componentId,
                                        List<String> profileNames,
                                        boolean includeRemovedUsersAndGroups)
        Return userIds according to a list of profile names
        componentId - the instance id
        profileNames - the list which contains the profile names
        includeRemovedUsersAndGroups - users in removed state are taken into account
        a string array of user id
      • getUsersIdsByRoleNames

        String[] getUsersIdsByRoleNames​(String componentId,
                                        ProfiledObjectId objectId,
                                        List<String> profileNames)
        Gets the users playing the specified roles for the given protected resource in the specified component instance.
        componentId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        profileNames - the list which contains the profile names
        an array with the user identifiers.
      • getUsersIdsByRoleNames

        String[] getUsersIdsByRoleNames​(String componentId,
                                        ProfiledObjectId objectId,
                                        List<String> profileNames,
                                        boolean includeRemovedUsersAndGroups)
        Gets the users playing the specified roles for the given protected resource in the specified component instance.
        componentId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        profileNames - the list which contains the profile names
        includeRemovedUsersAndGroups - users in removed state are taken into account
        an array with the user identifiers.
      • getDomain

        Domain getDomain​(String domainId)
        Gets the domain with the specified identifier.
        domainId - the unique identifier of a user domain.
        a Domain instance or null if no such user domain exists.
      • getAllDomains

        Domain[] getAllDomains()
        Gets all the user domains defined in Silverpeas.
        an array of Domain instances.
      • getDirectGroupsOfUser

        List<GroupDetail> getDirectGroupsOfUser​(String userId)
        Gets all the groups to which the specified user belongs explicitly. The parent groups to which the user doesn't belong directly but only by the children group(s) it belongs to aren't taken into account.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user.
        a list of group of users to which the given user explicitly belongs.
      • getAllGroupIdsOfUser

        String[] getAllGroupIdsOfUser​(String userId)
        Gets all the groups to which the specified user belongs. All the groups are taken into account, even those to which he doesn't belong directly but only by a child group.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user.
        an array with the identifier of all the groups the user is concerned.
      • getAllowedComponentIds

        String[] getAllowedComponentIds​(String userId)
        Gets all the component instances in Silverpeas allowed to be accessed by the specified user.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user.
        an array with the identifier of the component instances accessible to the given user.
      • getUsersOfDomainsFromNewestToOldest

        <T extends UserList<T> getUsersOfDomainsFromNewestToOldest​(List<String> domainIds)
        Get all the users (except delete ones) that are defined in the specified domains.
        domainIds - a list of domain identifiers.
        a list of users belonging to the given domains sorted by reverse creation order.
      • getUsersOfDomains

        <T extends UserList<T> getUsersOfDomains​(List<String> domainIds)
        Get all the users (except delete ones) that are defined in the specified domains.
        domainIds - a list of domain identifiers.
        a list of users belonging to the given domains sorted by the alphabetic order of their name.
      • isAdminTool

        boolean isAdminTool​(String toolId)
        Is the specified tool belongs to the administration component?

        The administration component (or administrative console) forms a particular component made up of several tools, each of them providing an administrative feature. Each tool in the administration component have the same identifier that refers in fact the administration console.
        toolId - the unique identifier of the tool.
        true if the tool belongs to the administration component.
      • getSearchableComponentsByCriteria

        List<String> getSearchableComponentsByCriteria​(ComponentSearchCriteria criteria)
        Gets the identifier of the component instances that are both searchable and that satisfy the specified criteria.
        criteria - the criteria on the component instances to get.
        a list of component instance identifiers.
      • getSpaceProfile

        SpaceProfile getSpaceProfile​(String spaceId,
                                     SilverpeasRole role)
        Gets the space profile instance which provides all user and group identifiers through simple methods.
        spaceId - the identifier of aimed space.
        role - the aimed technical role name.
        the SpaceProfile instance.
      • getFullTreeview

        SpaceWithSubSpacesAndComponents getFullTreeview​(String userId)
                                                 throws AdminException
        Gets the complete treeview of spaces and component instances defined in Silverpeas accessible to the specified user.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user in Silverpeas.
        a SpaceWithSubSpacesAndComponents instance representing the complete treeview of the organizational resources defined in Silverpeas and accessible to the given user.
        AdminException - if an error occurs while computing the treeview.
      • getFullTreeviewOnComponentName

        SpaceWithSubSpacesAndComponents getFullTreeviewOnComponentName​(String userId,
                                                                       String componentName)
                                                                throws AdminException
        Gets the complete treeview of spaces and of instances of the specified application and that are accessible to the specified user.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user in Silverpeas.
        componentName - the name of an application in Silverpeas.
        a SpaceWithSubSpacesAndComponents instance representing the complete treeview accessible to the given user, with only as component instances those of the given application.
        AdminException - if an error occurs while computing the treeview.
      • getFullTreeview

        SpaceWithSubSpacesAndComponents getFullTreeview​(String userId,
                                                        String spaceId)
                                                 throws AdminException
        Gets the complete treeview of spaces and component instances contained in the specified space and that are accessible to the specified user.
        userId - the unique identifier of a user in Silverpeas.
        spaceId - the unique identifier of a space.
        a SpaceWithSubSpacesAndComponents instance representing the complete treeview rooted to the given space and accessible to the given user.
        AdminException - if an error occurs while computing the treeview.
      • getPathToSpace

        List<SpaceInstLight> getPathToSpace​(@NonNull
                                            String spaceId)
        Gets the path of the specified space in the organizational tree of Silverpeas.
        spaceId - the unique identifier of a space.
        a list of space instances ordered from the root space to the specified one, each of them representing a node of the path.
      • getPathToComponent

        List<SpaceInstLight> getPathToComponent​(String componentId)
        Gets the path of the specified component instance in the organizational tree of Silverpeas.
        componentId - the unique identifier of a component instance.
        a list of space instances ordered from the root space to the space to which the component instance belongs directly. Each of then represents a node in the path to the given component instance.