Class DefaultOrganizationController

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, OrganizationController

    public class DefaultOrganizationController
    extends Object
    implements OrganizationController
    This object is used by all the admin jsp such as SpaceManagement, UserManagement, etc... It provides access functions to query and modify the domains as well as the company organization It should be used only by a client that has the administrator rights. The OrganizationController extends {@link AdministrationServiceProvider]} that maintains a static reference to an Administration instance. During the initialization of the Admin instance, some computations require services published by the underlying IoC container. So, an instance of OrganizationController is created by the IoC container and published under the name 'organizationController' so that the initialization of the static Admin instance can be performed correctly within the execution context of IoC container.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form