Silverpeas 6 is distributed in several ways.
Try Silverpeas
We provide an easy way to try Silverpeas 6 by signing up in our demonstration platform:
Enjoy Silverpeas!
For those comfortable with Docker, we also provide a dedicated Silverpeas 6 Docker image for testing.
Install in production
You wish to keep control on the installation process or to you want to install Silverpeas in one of your production-ready servers running either with a Unix system or with MS-Windows, then please consult the instructions on how to install our stable version of Silverpeas 6.
Ready for the Cloud
Silverpeas 6 is also available as a Docker image in the Official image library in the Docker Hub. You will find
information about the use of this image in our official DockerHub repository.
Document Online Edition
Silverpeas provides the users a way to edit the documents in Silverpeas by using their favorite Office Suite. This feature requires an external program to install on the user host. You will find more information about the online edition of documents in the dedicated page.
If you encounter a problem during installation or if you have any question, you can post them on the users mailing-list