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Silverpeas Core

Silverpeas Core is the foundation of the Silverpeas Collaborative Portal. It defines the technical architecture and it provides the business services to build collaborative-oriented applications.

The foundation is made up of two layers:

  • A business service layer (atop of a persistence engine) that provides all the objects and transversal APIs to manage information, content and social events for applications;
  • A Web layer that provides reusable building blocks to facilitate the writing of an integrated Web GUI.

Above this foundation, the main Web Collaborative Portal application is also included in Silverpeas Core.

Among the business services and APIs, you will find:

  • a comments engine,
  • a social network engine,
  • an authentication and authorization engine,
  • a content converter engine,
  • a publications engine,
  • a WYSIWYG content engine,
  • and jobs scheduling engine,
  • a user notification engine,
  • a taxonomy engine,
  • and so on.